January of 2024 when my friend Michio sent me an invite if we wanted to go on a group trip to Cornwall.I wasn’t pregnant yet that time and had literally no other plans on how we are going to spend our summer holiday for this year.Said yes, without second thoughts.We haven’t been to Cornwall at all plus Akyn will surely love it with his friends Yuri and Sophie going as well. Thank you to Michio for organizing everything for the group and for remembering us to be part of the trip. It happens once in a blue moon when we go to a long travel with friends. We usually go alone as a family.It’s not because we don’t like going with other’s company.It’s more about us getting more relaxed with the peace and quite of traveling with only the three of us. 😁What’s new with an introvert me?😍
Airbnb accomodation was booked and we divided it amongst every family staying allowing us to save more for the cost.Our food was also budgeted and each family shared an amount to lessen the total bill.It was such a cost effective travel getaway for all of us. I am glad I allowed my introvert me to socialize this time. Sometimes, we got to find the courage to get out of our comfort zone, try something new for we will never know how much we will love it at the end.
We all had a memorable trip to cherish forever.❤️
Hull to Cornwall is a long drive around 7 hours plus the stops we needed for toilet breaks. We had to wake up early to arrive in the morning during our first day. We all met up at eleven in the evening and started our convoy trip at midnight. Everything was so organized with everyone had pinned in our waze app where we will be having the first,second and third stop prior to arrival. Nurses just applying our organization skills even during holidays.(LOL)😍
We used our Toyota CHR (Klaus) during the travel and just a tip Mommas, Hybrid cars will save you a lot of gas. We only spent around 80GBP compared to our friends fuel expenditure using full petrol cars with almost 200 GBP cost for a five day strolling around Cornwall.So, think about it if you’re planning for a new family car to purchase.😉
Our first destination was to visit Land’s End.The weather was nice perfect for us to explore the beauty of nature.

Took loads of photos in every part of Land’s end.Thank you to Lief for some of the beautiful photos taken during the trip.

These two are quite inseparable.Yuri requested to go in our car when we were traveling around Cornwall to get the unlimited conversation with Akyn about everything.

Can’t wait to explore the place. Akyn and I had to get this photo whilst Mon is sorting out the parking fee.

There was a mini display of old transportation near the entrance.

No dull moment with my boys.

We had to walk going down the rocky path to get a full sight of this view.Mon had to assist me because of the very stiff path. Thank you God for keeping us safe.

The view was breathtaking. A once in a lifetime experience for us. Who would have thought we will be granted with the chance to explore places we only dreamed before. God’s surprises is beyond what human can imagine as always.We are always grateful for opportunities like this because up until now living and working in the UK still feels surreal for our family.😍

Reminiscing our prenup photo shoot.(LOL)❤️

Our little growing family.

Few displays of little houses where available for public viewing,too.

Typical English houses.

Whilst waiting for the rest to come, we also met few of our Filipino Hull friends who were also there enjoying Cornwall. Small world,ey!

Everyday is an opportunity for us to START doing something productive for self improvement. Right caption for Mon’s pose (LOL).

Spent the next half of the day where we had our lunch in Porthcurno Beach. The parking here was so horrendous that one of our friends had to engage with a heated argument with another tourist trying to cut the queue and snatching our slot to park. Blood pressure elevated to 170mmhg systolic my friends.(LOL)😂
Bank holiday plus summer time means the beach was packed with people.

The sun was blazing hot but don’t get fooled because the water was freezing.

My Akyn was so scared to get into the water because it was so cold for him.He preferred to stay just in the shore to play with the waves coming.

The baby sitter looking after Akyn all day.😍Good job Monoy.

Hello to the Schuck family enjoying the beautiful scenery with us. The rest of the group were still on their way when we took the photos.❤️
What a lovely trip we all had and we thank the Lord for keeping everyone safe during the entire length of our vacation.