Everything Has An End

Have you ever asked what makes life valuable on earth? Why is it so important for us to find the meaning of why we exist and enjoy our lives to the fullest? Why do we need to treasure memories and experiences as we live.

The answer is simple because “EVERYTHING ENDS”, that’s why we need to value all the things the we have now while it last. You will only realize its importance when it’s gone. While you have the opportunity to appreciate it, do it. You don’t want to be part of the people saying “If only I had”.

I got some realizations of the current circumstances in my life related to valuing things that life has offered me .☺

Change of Work Shift

We recently had a change of work shift schedules for all the employees in our department. We were asked to bid for the priority schedules, unfortunately I wasn’t part of the lucky ones who got their work time preferences. Now, I realized how lucky I was to have had my previous work routine. I did always complain of waking up early and didn’t recognize how beneficial it was as it also allowed me to leave work early. I didn’t experience getting stuck in the traffic in going in and out of the office unlike the new schedule I have now.

Well, that’s life we can’t control and get everything we wanted but we can certainly learn to love the things we have. I may need to embrace this new work schedule to be more productive rather than sulking over it. Move on as this say it.

My Akyn’s sweetness

As a working mother, I got so many things in my plate I needed to attend to but I should not forget that my priority is my toddler. Every time he calls my attention and I am in the middle of accomplishing something, I have to stop to spend time with him. I don’t even have the time to blog at home. I usually do my blogging works during my free time at work. That’s how I manage my time to give him my full attention at home.

Why do I prioritize his cute clingy behavior?

Because I know he will not be a toddler forever. Time will come when he will have his own peers, his priorities and own hobbies which I may not be part in the picture anymore as his mother. I want to savor his sweetness while he is still young and his world revolves around us as his family.


My Adulthood Stage

I’m almost hitting my thirties for this year. I am trying do some recollections of what are those things I have accomplished so far and the things I may start doing for the next chapter of my life. People age that’s a fact. Nobody stays young forever even if how many beauty regimens are there to hide the signs of aging. So, while I still have the energy to do what I would love to do, then I better start doing what are on my list. I want to explore more on what I can improve on, both in my professional career and my role as a mother/wife. I want to travel with my family to places we’ve never been too. I want to take lots of pictures while my wrinkles aren’t visible yet (I don’t care if they’ll call me selfie addict lol). I got so many tasks in my to do list for this year.



I’ll just limit my list this time based on the timely events in my life. You may have a different set of realizations than mine. What are your own thoughts about things you value now?




  1. The changes in life always makes us think about what we have. I like how it has given you the motivation to start in your to do list!

    1. Thanks Jenn for visiting and for dropping a comment.♥ I really appreciate it

  2. Great perspective! It’s easy to be distracted by little people wanting to play, isn’t it?

    1. Thanks Jordan for your comment. Yes, they are just so irresistibly cute to say no to their request.

  3. Good for you for embracing your son’s toddler years! It goes by so fast and you want to have these amazing memories.

    1. Thanks Dikla for your comment. Babies really grow so fast and I want t savor each moment of my toddler’s childhood.

  4. Lover your perspective on life. Enjoy your little one!

    1. Thank you Jess.

  5. So true! We often forget how blessed we are until it’s taken away from us. How great for you to take a pause and reflect on that.

    1. Thank you Mae for reading and dropping your comment.

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