Day 2 Scotland-Glasgow Cathedral

Nice thing about having a DIY trip is the fact that you got no schedule to follow,you can choose places you wanted to visit and the most important thing is, it is cheaper because you have an option to go to those tourist spots with no charge. ❤️ Glasgow was our itinerary for our second day.I did have a print out of their beautiful places to visit prior to our travel. Trying to be more organize pretty Mommas!(LOL)😍 After our Glasgow Botanical Garden trip,we headed to their city centre to have our lunch in Jollibee. When our tummies were all... Read More


Hello to another immigrant journey blogging 101.😍 I haven't been very well last weekend with all the non stop sneezing and runny nose going on. Whenever the weather changes, my body reacts to it and the reaction is often not nice. I'm thankful, I am feeling a bit better today. Hope all of you are all ok, too. Yesterday, when Akyn arrived home, he was very eager to show his award from school. "Look Mama, I have a prize from school today!" Then the conversation never stopped with him narrating how he managed to get it, to how he felt... Read More

Employee of the Month

When I look back to the times when we were still building our dreams and do a memory lane to where we are now in reference to the original goal we had, I couldn't stop myself to say my praise to thy Heavens. How? Like how did we manage to make our dreams realized? What did we do to deserve all these graces? And the list of questions continue of surreal feeling at this moment. Mon received his award as the employee of the month from his work place. We were very much elated getting such a wonderful news. We... Read More

Akyn’s 7th Birthday

It's been a few days since I had shared another blog post for my Akynfullhouse website. The holiday season for me has been extremely busy, not just because of being a working mother but also due to my other extra activities or tasks I needed to prepare for December. My Akyn's seventh birthday was one of my top priorities of my to do list. I did ask Akyn on how he wanted to celebrate his birthday if he wanted us to do the normal family travel get away we do during special events or if he prefers to throw a... Read More

Fall Season Pumpkin Picking

I've finished this book, The Point of Retreat which is the second sequel of CoHo's book entitled Slammed. It was definitely another legend she has created to continue the love story of Will and Layken. I'm on the third book now called This Girl. I'm crossing my finger I'll also fall in love with her creation again. I got hooked with the first book where she introduced about an activity called poetry slam in the story where a group of young people gather together in a club to courageously recite their own made poems expressing their deepest emotions of something.... Read More