Mon’s Birthday and Akyn’s Achievement

We've been waiting for our Monoy's special day to come because the three of us are off on his birthday. The feeling of waking up in the morning and not thinking of coming to work or having any strict schedule to follow is an absolute gem in our adulting lives Pretty Mommas.😊 Our Akyn woke up early to greet his Dad a happiest birthday. Our boy already planned what to do on this day. He wanted us to buy Daddy a present, enjoy strolling the city and to eat out together as a family. I couldn't agree more with his... Read More

Drama Of A Wife

We were supposed to go somewhere north last Sunday, however, we chose to go malling instead to spend our time off together. I just felt lazy doing long travel. Bummer! It was a planned treat for my birthday which would mean I got the freedom to choose whatever I wanted to do. Hooray! Let's pause my excitement to write about our free time today. I want to let you know what took place last night. We had a heated discussion with Mon the night before my birthday. So what exactly happened? I asked him if he already had ordered my birthday cake and he told... Read More

The Unknown Shopper

We maintain only one online account for our family to order anything online for easy monitoring. Yesterday, when I tried checking the account, my eyes widened and my mouth fell open seeing a pending order for a toy which I never requested. What stunned me more was the amount of the item ordered. "Who did this?" As alarmed as I was, I hurriedly checked the status of it. Thankfully the item was still pending for approval from the seller to be shipped. Goodness! I usually leave my phone with my Mama at home to supervise my toddler in watching Nursery... Read More