Family Stroll in New Castle

I am not very consistent with my target post day for my blog to my dearest Akynfullhouse website. What could be the reason behind? Loads of family schedules getting done especially now that it is the start of our boy's school break. Akyn is still at the stage where he prefers to stay in the part of our house where I am. I won' be able to finish my thoughts in writing when he is around trying to get my attention every now and then. I don't complain. I love and would like to savour this sweet stage of him.... Read More

1st Place Winner Hornsea Music Festival 2024

Akyn's first half of the year is the busiest time with his piano endeavors because most of the music festivals he usually joins happen during those months plus he got his yearly performance to be graded so he can proceed to the next level of his piano competence.Yes, kids who study piano here in the UK are required to sumbit themselves for an exam before they can proceed to the next grade.With all those tasks mentioned, my Akyn never complained of being exhausted.He's always looking forward when Miss Mila,his piano teacher would come to start for another lesson.Sometimes, we would... Read More

Humber Bridge Country Park

With the start of our Akyn's Easter holiday this weekends, we are tied to our mommy and daddy duties 24/7. I always love when our boy is at home because we can spend more time with him. Kids grow up so fast and their needy stage won't last long. Many parents with grown up kids would always advise me to savor the sweet stage moment of my boy when he's still too clingy and too expressive to let me know he misses my hugs when I am at work. Time will come when they will have their own set of... Read More

Five Years UK RN

Let us do a time travel via blog post.😂Five years ago, early morning on the 26th of February 2019, I arrived in the UK with only 30 kilos of personal belongings in my luggage and a pocket money of less than a thousand pounds to survive my one month of stay here. I came here alone with no family or close friends to be with. How courageous my younger self was to follow my dreams, to practice my profession miles away from home, with no security yet if I will be able to pass my OSCE's( the last exam I... Read More

Valentine’s Day and Ice Skating

I've seen a loty of funny memes online when Valentine's day was coming like someone posted,"Those cringe love messages with big boquet of flowers,chocolates, pressies will be flooding in my social media account again!" I want to get real and would agree that social media posts can sometimes be to cringey especially those new young lovers openly overshares their sweetness online.😂 I think most of us had experienced those stage and once we're over it, we now realised that it was too cringey.(LOL) Been there! Done that! 😂😂😂 Regardless if others would consider posting love presents received as annoying, I... Read More

Ikea Trip January

Gracing the year with the thought of making our house aesthetically pleasing and trying to be organized by finding some helpful gems in Ikea, Leeds. After we checked out from our Clumber Park holiday, we drove straight to Ikea prior to heading home. The weather was so miserable that day with heavy rains and awfully cold. Thank you Lord for the safe trip we had until we arrived home safely in Hull. This little man spent the whole journey sleeping comfortable. He was still asleep when we were already in our regular parking spot in Hull. That showed how comfy/tired... Read More

Clumber Park Lodge New Year Destination

Happy New Year everyone. It's 2024! That was really a fast year for me. Months going so fast last year that the next thing we knew, it was already approaching the next flip of the calendar. Hope everyone is doing good today. I'm still elated with our recent family travel in Nottingham Clumber Park Lodges. I've been looking for a place to spend with a private hot tub we can use during our stay. Thankfully whilst searching online, a travel company posted a travel package exactly dated during my Akyn's 8th birthday. Without further hesitation, we booked it since October... Read More

Welcoming My Mid-Thirties Life

I was kind of looking forward to celebrate my birthday few weeks ago because I will have my shopping time in my chosen shopping area without worrying of using my own card to pay for it. Mon is going to pay for me as a treat. (LOL) Is it always about treating myself thoughts? 😂😂Nooooooo! I'm excited to welcome another year in my human existence to explore what more the earth can offer or what more I can give to the world. I don't have any special skills to be boastful about but maybe, just maybe, there might be something... Read More

Pumpkin Picking 2023

Yearly pumpkin activity is always filled with fun. We as a family usually go on a trip with only the three of us but this pumpkin picking activity is one of the rare moments we go out with friends together. Are we that too obvious as an introvert? (LOL) My baby boy is growing just like his parents who also enjoys solitude. I asked my little boy if he wanted to buy a big pumpkin to carve for the coming Halloween and guess what he said! "I don't want to carve pumpkins for this year because food aren't supposed to... Read More

Pilipinas Vacation 2023 Part 3

The third part of my recent August vacation trip back home is probably the blog that makes me miss them more because the date of our trip to the UK on these photos was coming near. The feeling of you not wanting to go back to reality but you got to because that's our new life now is absolutely daunting. Every OFW must have experienced this kind of longing, wishing to lengthen the days of staying with our families before finally facing another couple of years before seeing them again.😪Well, that's life. It's hard and complicated which gives us more... Read More

Pilipinas Vacation 2023 Part 1

After three years we finally made it realized to visit back home in Cebu again. Too many things happened within my three years stay as an OFW in the UK. To mention the unexpected Covid 19 pandemic hit followed by the strict protocols in travelling especially in going out of the country. It made it very tedious to travel. I missed home every passing day and this moment shown in the photo is my most awaited day to set my feet back to my hometown. The feeling is still so fresh of how much I am so eager to get... Read More

Term Break in York

When it's term break, Akyn often requests to go somewhere away from home. It must be boring to spend the whole week with the same routine everyday for him wanting to get a trip even for just a day. This Momma was off at least a day on a weekend so might as well grab it. Spontaneous travel escapade happened again. I wanted to visit Leeds initially for us to visit Miniso and buy some new toys for the both of us (LOL)😂 but then I changed it to York so Akyn can explore the historical city. Mon works in... Read More

Junction 32 Half Term Break

Good morning beautiful world! Another blogging day for me on a rest day. We've just finished our half term break yesterday. Today is the first day of back to school routine of Akyn which means I got my Me time moment again to finally organize my thoughts to write.😍 One thing I've learned in our UK family journey is every school break means an opportunity to get some time off so we can spend it together with our boy. A time off from work is a must for exhausted working adults like us.(LOL)🤣 Nothing beats the smile of this young... Read More

In Liverpool Day 2

As planned, here's the second part of our trip to Liverpool. Traveling doesn't only mean ticking the box of accomplished places we've visited but it's our own way of gaining our energy back from the stressful adulting life. So thankful to my friends' suggestions as to where to visit next here in the UK. Everyday is an opportunity to discover more about this county. I'm always excited to visit new places with my family especially if I know shopping is very much recommended to the nearby big shops of the area. LOL😁 I'll start my blog with my travel OOTD.... Read More

My Birthday in Liverpool Day 1

I was contemplating on how would I celebrate my birthday few weeks ago and Mon said to me, "Celebrate it the way you wanted!" Well, that would mean another family travel is going to happen because my top likes on the list on special event is really to travel and shop with my family. I love to spend our alone time together in going to places we've never been to. It's not like we don't want our friend's company to join with us but it's more of a moment to remember as a family getaway. If you don't get what... Read More

Guilt Free York Trip

Because it's half term, we made it sure to bring Akyn to a trip even for just a day. We've been thinking of going somewhere near and York won the list of places to visit. We had visited York several times but not to the York Designer Outlet. It was not only Akyn who was excited but this Momma has been very eager to step in the said store. I'm almost four years here in the UK but I didn't had the chance to come here. First time, ey? Let's start with the OOTD. An important part of every ladies'... Read More