Living Room Sideboard Decoration by Mich

I have attended a funeral service for the very first time here in the UK yesterday for one of my Filipino Kababayans. We aren't close personally but I was able to take part of providing his care when he got admitted to our ward. May he rest in peace eternally and my deepest condolences to the bereaved family.❤️ To those reading my blogs, you know how much I hated big gatherings draining my social battery. However, sometimes we needed to get out of our comfort zones to show our support to those who needed it. I am proud of myself... Read More

My Craftsman

Finally it's weekends. I guess many have been waiting for the end of the week to come getting a break from the work stress. I love weekends, too because it's our time to relax with my boys. No school, no online work for Mon which would mean we can shop together without worrying of any schedule to abide. ❤️ I'd prefer to hang out with my family most of the time making our bond stronger. If I say no to social invite that would mean I want to have my family time more than anything else.( wink) What's up for... Read More