In Everything We Appreciate

After saying the grace before meals this breakfast we've brought the topic in our dining table about appreciating more what we have just like the sumptuous meal in front of us. Some may have skipped their meals because they have nothing. Others maybe suffering from cold and darkness whilst us warmly sitting in our comfy couch. You know simple things like that are often overlooked. I would admit that sometimes I forget to recognize the full worth of something not until the moment it's gone. We used to do everyday online call with my family back home but because of... Read More

A Grateful Heart

“Guys system is down.” I am on a state of complete happiness whenever I could hear my manager blasting this news to us. This would mean I could rest my voice while my mind and my fingers are working typing this blog entry. I am thankful that once in a blue moon, this rare scenario happens at work giving me an ample time to relax a bit. This is one of the simplest things that deserves my gratitude. Exercising gratitude was not my thing when I was younger. When I received something from someone like a gift or a favor, I... Read More