Hi 2022

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you are all enjoying with the fresh start for this year. I usually begin my blog every new calendar flip with looking back how my 2021 went to wrap up all my learnings for the previous year rather than right away setting up my present goals. How do you kick off your first day out of 365 days? Well, everybody has their own ways of doing it. What matters most is how we face the whole spin of our 2022. Do you agree with it pretty Mommas. Let's start by looking pretty. (LOL)🤣... Read More

Brand New Calendar Flip

I've just had at least four hours of sleep after my two straight night shifts. I survived! Tomorrow I will be back to being a normal human being again reporting to work on a day schedule. Honestly, I would prefer to be on a graveyard shift when on duty because I could organize my task more with lesser interruptions, no doctor's order not unless in emergency cases, less people who'll keep on misplacing all your patients'documents. It's one of my pet peeves when someone uses my stuff and wouldn't return it as how it was  before borrowing it. I don't... Read More