For The Broken Hearted

“Mich, have you tried being broken hearted?” A question that totally caught my attention when a colleague of mine asked me this morning. I answered her question with a direct yes. It’s been a while, I should say when I had my heart broken before my path crossed with my husband. It’s a devastating pain which most of us can relate to, not unless you’re love story is as perfect as compared to a fairytale love. Being engaged in a romantic love is one of the sweetest feeling and can be incredibly mystical especially during the very first stage of... Read More

Everything Has An End

Have you ever asked what makes life valuable on earth? Why is it so important for us to find the meaning of why we exist and enjoy our lives to the fullest? Why do we need to treasure memories and experiences as we live. The answer is simple because “EVERYTHING ENDS”, that’s why we need to value all the things the we have now while it last. You will only realize its importance when it’s gone. While you have the opportunity to appreciate it, do it. You don’t want to be part of the people saying “If only I had”.... Read More