For the very first time Mon started using our Captain America, the name Akyn gave to our blue car to York to get the feeling on how it is to drive in the motorway as he is normally scared to drive in such fast lane. Thanks God he safely managed to do it. His officemates are encouraging him more to face his fears in using the motorway for him to overcome it as days go by. It’s also cheaper to drive in going to work compared to paying for a train ticket. Because he didn’t need to wait anymore for a train schedule, he came home an hour earlier than usual which means more time to spend with us. I just love it! We did Karaoke last night after tea and guess what songs I’ve chosen for the night. I mostly sang Britney Spears’ songs. I wasn’t expecting Mon to sing along with my Britney obsession music. He said he had almost mastered her songs because of me playing her sound track everyday since the day we got married.(LOL😂)My Akyn also does know my favorite music and can amazingly follow few of the lyrics played. My boys are very much supportive when I am in my fanatic mode to my queen Britney. For all the fans there celebrating Brit’s freedom from her abusive conservatorship, hi to all of you. I’m so happy for the Pop Queen!
Anyway, for today I’ll share to you our DIY Easter Bonnet making for our Akyn’s school competition. His school sent a note about the Easter bonnet submission last week stating its deadline will be by Thursday. Without me reading the exact date on which Thursday will it be, I excitedly went to shop all the materials we may need last Wednesday. I checked the school note again after we finished the project only to find out that the submission date will still be the following week Thursday and not on the next day. Lesson learned: Be attentive and read well. (LOL😂). On the lighter note at least we are all done for this week assignment.😉
I mostly bought the bits and bobs from Poundland, B&M for the Easter Stickers, went to Homebargains to get a new glue gun and got the little carrots from there as well.
I searched a lot of inspiration from Pinterest to get an idea on what I should be making and there were tons of nice designs to follow. Pinterest has always been my to go guide for my DIY projects. Tandaaan, this is our very cute output.
Akyn helped me design all the stickers around the bonnet making it more colorful to look at.
I think we aced on this DIY goal. Whether we will win in the school competition or not, we are still happy with the results plus the bonding time we did in finishing this up. We super love it!
Apart from my excitement for another completed DIY, my fascination to shopping was gratified with the delivery of my online orders. Yay! This pretty Momma is over the moon as of the moment.
Hello to my supportive add to cart companion allowing me to take his photo for my blog. 🤣
Let’s start the shopping haul. Mon got his new pair of trainers. He loves New Balance for a pair of running shoes. I’m not sure if he is planning to start his training again for a marathon but he’s been for a look out for a good pair of shoes for running. What’s your usual choice for a running shoes? Please comment below to share yours.🥰
I can’t believe I ordered another pair of white shoes again. 😂Trying to rationalized well I don’t have the baby pink design yet though. White is a safe color for sneakers which can easily be paired with any outfit especially during spring where the white shoes are everywhere.
Just getting prepared for the coming summer when I can finally have lighter footwear outside. I love the sun and I can’t wait for this cold weather to finally come to an end. I don’t like winter at all.
Although it is spring but it is still a little bit chilly in some days. This jacket is perfect for the spring coldness. Not that thick and heavy to wear compared to winter coats. I also chose the color to match with my pink trainers.
And that wraps up my day full of exciting stuff for this pretty Momma enjoying my rest days. Cold yet happy morning lovelies!