Employee of the Month

When I look back to the times when we were still building our dreams and do a memory lane to where we are now in reference to the original goal we had, I couldn't stop myself to say my praise to thy Heavens. How? Like how did we manage to make our dreams realized? What did we do to deserve all these graces? And the list of questions continue of surreal feeling at this moment. Mon received his award as the employee of the month from his work place. We were very much elated getting such a wonderful news. We... Read More

Little Office DIY Project

The coolest thing for today is apart from I am at home doing my Me Time, I have already finished all my household chores awaiting completion yesterday. This would mean I am free to do my hobby to blog or perhaps I can read a couple of pages of Nicholas Spark's entitled Dear John bought from one of my thrifting escapade I've been reading for a couple of weeks now or maybe, I can do a solo karaoke at home singing like nobody can hear. LOL😂 Nah, I'll start with my blog today and we'll see what will I want... Read More

Mon’s First UK Employer

I'm writing this post while feeling so overjoyed with our very first blessing for this year. What a nice start, isn't it? Before I'll share more about it, let me show you our first attempt of making sushi at home. Mon and I are both a great fan of Asian cuisine. Mon had his wedding proposal last 2014 in our favorite Korean restaurant. You can really tell from that special event how much we crave for Korean dishes. So, for tonight we decided to make our own version of Sushi. Bought my ingredients from an Asian store in Hull, Chong... Read More

Do It Assemble

It's been a while since I last posted anything for Akynfullhouse. Non stop agency nursing in the making my friends. Agency nurses here are paid almost three times than the regular salary of a permanent staff. So, during my rest days especially during weekdays when my Akyn is at school and Mon is at work, I'd rather choose to work as well than staying at home doing nothing. We can shop bond together during weekends anyway. It's what they say as work hard but play harder after. What's the content for today pretties? I'll start with my random thought on... Read More