Day 3 Cornwall-St Michael’s Mount

Non stop rain for the past two days here in Hull. I am really missing summer now.😒I am a summer baby lover. So here I am finishing my next blog post of our Cornwall trip whilst fully covered with my cozy blanket at home. Anyway, back to our main subject for this morning, we made it sure to book an activity in our everyday stay in Cornwall. Of course, it seldom happens when we visit the place, we needed to make the most of it. Booked it online two days in advance for everyone in the group to be able... Read More

Day 3 Scotland-Leith Shore

Our fridge magnet of all our trips are growing each year. It only goes to show how we love to spend traveling as a family. As they say, that soon we will forget all about the expenses we've spent during our travel because what we will remember will only be the beautiful memories of all our unforgetable experiences in our holiday getaways. I agree 100 percent! It's a gloomy morning here in Hull.😒On the brighter side, it's a favourable weather for me to stay indoors and finish my blog series about our Scotland holiday for me to start organizing our... Read More


I'm starting to feel a little bit better compared to yesterday when I had to stay in bed all day with my non stop fever and body ached all over. I got hit with Covid again for the second time around.😥I had my two vaccines plus my booster dose but the effect of the virus on my first day was still terrible. I'm glad my fever is off now just clogged nose and cough with mild headache. I felt like this second Covid that hit me is stronger than my last year's experience. I'm glad I had my vaccination. It... Read More

Airbnb To The Rescue-London Day 1

As early as one in the morning we already started preparing ourselves for our morning travel to London. We chose this so we can maximize our time in visiting all our target places to view within the short duration of our time off from the reality. You know what pretty mommas, I've proven to myself after my trip that having a break from everyday work would help us recharge our tired selves. We should do this often, I greatly suggest. (wink). Stop being too workaholic Mich! How was the travel during the wee hours? Surely bitterly cold with only the... Read More