My Little Bundle of Joy

My One and a Half men (my husband and my son) have this routinely bonding both of them enjoy everyday. My boys had developed their body clock to remind them about their daily activities, which I find it quite amazing.

Akyn usually wakes up early around 5:00 am to 5:30 am. While waiting for his father to wake up, Akyn will just lie in bed making funny little noises to let everyone know he is awake. Once he can see his Dad changing his clothes and getting ready for their morning walk, Akyn will make himself ready too by standing up and walking towards his Dad. He will wait until Mon is ready to pick him up for their morning walk. They do this everyday except when it’s raining. After their morning walk, they’ll watch nursery rhymes videos together before getting a shower. This is their routine every morning.


At night, Akyn tries his best to wait for Mon to come home. There were just some nights  our baby can’t resist but to give in to his body’s request to sleep, but as much as possible, he usually makes himself busy playing his toys just to keep his eyes awake.


Akyn looks so adorable getting very excited every time the door opens  and seeing his Dad greeting him. When his Dad eats his dinner, Akyn positions himself to the opposite side of the table facing Mon. My baby boy starts their Peekaboo game by hiding his face under the table, then after a few seconds pops his face back to Mon’s view and releasing a loud cackle surprising his father.

Mon is a great artist by pretending to get scared when Akyn shows his face up. Akyn laughs out loud upon seeing his Dad’s surprised face and they continue the game until Mon finishes his dinner. Our tiny house is filled with sweet joyful laughter every night that echoes thru the walls.

Money can’t buy the wonderful sources of happiness we share at home. A simple father and son bonding turns into a great cause to cheer everyone up. The unstoppable infectious giggles of our boy is like a music to our ears we like to hear over and over again.


Goodnight everyone


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