Rest days would also mean a video call day for my Akyn. A routine common to mommas working as an overseas nurse. I wouldn’t think it unfortunate to be away because I certainly know this is just temporary. I’d rather consider this journey as a blessing making way for my dreams to come into reality. Many desired to be here but only few are determined to face the struggles to be a UK nurse. To make the story short, so here I am now doing my role as a mum abroad for my boy during my day off.
Something amazing happened today during my conversation with Akyn. As he hit the accept button for my call popping my face on his screen, can you guess what he first said to me? Beautiful man ka Mommy! OMG, I was like,”Did I hear that for real?” Felt completely overjoyed hearing my child giving me his sincere compliment. It’s nice to hear other people admiring you. However, the happiness of getting the admiration coming from your son is way too precious that anyone could imagine. Thank you baby.
Wearing my experimental make up earlier in going to Grimsby with my friends which will be the topic for my next post. Stay tuned.
This post is all about my Akyn. He recently celebrated his fourth birthday. Say what? It seemed that it was only yesterday when I prayed to be bless with a baby boy. And now my toddler is starting to enter into his preschool stage. You’re definitely growing up too fast baby. Every year before his birthday, Mon and I would bring him to one of the local photo studio, dressed him up in our preferred clothes before but when he was three years old, it was when he started choosing what costume to wear.
For this year he wanted to be a Superman. Told Mon to order the clothes online to search for a cheaper outfit but he wanted to see it first before buying. What would you expect if you’ll buy it in mall prices? Nah, don’t ask me because it will certainly ruin our budget pretty Mums.
Photoline is our favorite photo studio in SM Cebu. Apart from being accessible to us, the output is flawless at its affordable rate. They’re located on the second floor of SM City Cebu and also had opened their new branch in SM Seaside. We got to choose the frame for the shots and if we decide to get the rest of the pictures like we did then we will be paying extra plus the framed photo. Don’t worry the prices are budget friendly.
Please say hi to my Akyn who loves posing in photos just like his mum. LOL
Our marriage is blessed not because we are rich. We are happy and contended because we have our son. Our happy pill for everyday stressors. Nothing seemed impossible to accomplish with just the smile of Akyn who inspires me and Mon to be better parents to him.
I love you Akyn. Happy fourth birthday. I wonder what costume will you choose for this year?