Newborn Photography Amyndeen

I can't believe it took me more than a month to publish another blog post for my website.💕That's the reality of how hard the fourth trimester is of postpartum mothers like me. To all the Mommas out there trying their best as well to survive each day,virtual hugs for all of us. This too shall pass! So, let's enjoy this moment while it lasts. My blog post today is the continuation of my previous post. Last year, we signed up for a package that included both the maternity and newborn/sibling photoshoot with Nino Travagli photography. It was such a good... Read More

Uniting Ages Under One Roof: Tips for a Cohesive Family Home

By: Courtney Rosenfeld Author Bio: “Courtney started Gig Spark to be a resource and the first step for people who are looking to join the gig economy, either to supplement their income or as a way to fulfill their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.” The idea of a harmonious, multigenerational home conjures beautiful images of grandparents,parents, and children all living under one roof, sharing experiences and creating memories.Such living arrangements enhance strong family bonds and necessitate effectivecommunication to thrive. However, understanding the dynamics of each generation and creatingan environment where everyone feels valued and respected is crucial for a unified home.Today, Akyn Full House... Read More

Mini Pool At Home

Happy sunny day everyone. It's seldom to have a very nice weather like this in the UK. Make the most of it while the sunshine last. Last Sunday, after my fourth shift coming from succeeding nights, my boys bought our second mini inflatable pool after they went to church. Our first pool was quite big. We decided to have a smaller size just enough for Akyn to save water consumption.😂Because I already took a shower upon arriving home after work that would mean only Akyn will have his pool time while Mami and Dadi does the grilling for our BBQ.... Read More

Mon’s Birthday and Akyn’s Achievement

We've been waiting for our Monoy's special day to come because the three of us are off on his birthday. The feeling of waking up in the morning and not thinking of coming to work or having any strict schedule to follow is an absolute gem in our adulting lives Pretty Mommas.😊 Our Akyn woke up early to greet his Dad a happiest birthday. Our boy already planned what to do on this day. He wanted us to buy Daddy a present, enjoy strolling the city and to eat out together as a family. I couldn't agree more with his... Read More

1st Place Winner Hornsea Music Festival 2024

Akyn's first half of the year is the busiest time with his piano endeavors because most of the music festivals he usually joins happen during those months plus he got his yearly performance to be graded so he can proceed to the next level of his piano competence.Yes, kids who study piano here in the UK are required to sumbit themselves for an exam before they can proceed to the next grade.With all those tasks mentioned, my Akyn never complained of being exhausted.He's always looking forward when Miss Mila,his piano teacher would come to start for another lesson.Sometimes, we would... Read More

First Place Solo Piano Competition 2024

Perfect bed weather to those staying at home on a Monday morning like me.(LOL) Always flexing my rest days at the start of the week while most of the working class are starting their busy week, am I not?🤣Hope everyone's fine doing each of our own task for today.😘 We did a Sunday reset yesterday as a family. I never thought my boy would be so delighted to help me clean the house with us. He amazingly enjoys asking for a task on what to clean in the house to join the cleaning sesh. I was left with few things... Read More

Rock Up

Cold morning pretty Mommas. Winter it is, the time where most of us choose to be cozy and warm at home. For me, this cold season encourages me to finish a blog post rather than going out to shop alone during my time off. With Mon at work and Akyn in school today would mean I own the house this morning, free to do what I want on my rest day. Coffee + Wordpress + Britney’s music= Look at that! Using two screens just to finish one post!(LOL) This is Mon's workplace when he is scheduled to work from home... Read More

Welcoming My Mid-Thirties Life

I was kind of looking forward to celebrate my birthday few weeks ago because I will have my shopping time in my chosen shopping area without worrying of using my own card to pay for it. Mon is going to pay for me as a treat. (LOL) Is it always about treating myself thoughts? 😂😂Nooooooo! I'm excited to welcome another year in my human existence to explore what more the earth can offer or what more I can give to the world. I don't have any special skills to be boastful about but maybe, just maybe, there might be something... Read More

London College of Music Certificate

Akyn received his London College of Music official certificate after passing his grade 1 piano exam early this year. We thought the certificate will be sent next year but hey-ho, it got delivered surprisingly earlier than what we expected. I posted his photo two months ago in our FB page which means this is a very long overdue blog post again. Still, I wanted to capture this experience in my blog to mark a beautiful achievement of my boy with his love for music. ❤️ We always express to him how much we are so proud of his performance and... Read More

Bank Holiday May 2023

Right now while composing this blog, my favourite little human is with me giving me company for this quite afternoon. It is a school break again for them. How lucky these kids are to get as many break time from their regular hustle while us adult, life must go on everyday to survive. (LOL)🤣🤣🤣 I had at least a day off last week to splurge myself. Got no specific plans simply roaming around the town centre trying few nice pieces of clothes then snap to confirm if I'll like the fit.😁 This Momma deserved it. The best find I got... Read More

January Home Decor

Went to one of the shops with my boy after his class and one of the store clerk asked, "Are you Espanyol?" Responded with a brief answer, "I am not Spanish!". He continued, "Are you Nihao, then?" I am not certain if I should laugh with the question or get irritated with it because nihao isn't even a nationality at all. I took my change from what I bought, told him, "I AM A FILIPINO!'' I've been in this country for almost four years now and yet, I still feel Filipinos are part of the invisible group with little information... Read More

New Mobile Legends Playmate

I was in the other room when I heard Mon and Akyn talking like they were planning an attack to someone's base. When I checked them on what made them so busy and noisy😒,they were actually playing an online game called Mobile Legends. A satisfying view seeing Mon finally got his little playmate for his online gaming obsession. "Just follow my lead Akyn when I say you use your power then attack!" "Daddy an enemy has been slain!" I can't relate to the enjoynment of what they were both up to. I tried playing once with Akyn but I always... Read More

First Place Piano Competition

"Mama, I still can't believe I took the trophy back home to be the winner!" Neither us nor Akyn ever thought of getting the first place on his first try to experience a piano competition here in the UK. It's not that we don't believe on his capability. It's more of the fact that he's just six years old with no experience whatsoever on how it would feel to be on the stage with the audience watching him perform. I bet it was a hundred percent never-wracking for his little heart. At the end of May this year, his coach,... Read More

First Time?

"Hi, is this the gate for Year one?" I had to ask one of the parents whose son happened to be my Akyn's classmate. "First time, ey?" he responded with a smile. Obviously yes it was our first time to come with everything all new to us but we're more than excited to let Akyn start his new school. It was only yesterday as well when I managed to buy all his new set of uniforms ready to be worn this morning. Look at my little gentleman smiling all for Mommie's obsession of taking photos of my handsome baby. Why... Read More

School Break

Hello pretty Mommas! One week school break, how does it feel to be home with my boy staying all day with us? I love it although I know some parents don't like it for some reasons. I'm a paranoid type of Momma. I would prefer to see Akyn at home knowing what's he's doing rather than worrying if he's alright while away from home. For now I'm simply making the most of our bonding time whilst on break.❤️ Last Sunday, we opted to start cleaning our garden with the help of our little boss. It was freezing but these two... Read More

Bike With Me

Got loads of stuff done this morning. First task accomplished was to sleep. Then sleep for another hour and eventually slept until midday. Yikes! What can we expect to do on a rainy cold morning anyway during your rest day? Felt so cozy warming my body under the thick duvet with my four year old boy sitting on the bed playing with his toys while I am dozing off. How extremely sweet that moment is? Mon is busy working from home in the living room albeit the bed weather for the whole day. Uh felt sorry for him for he... Read More