Happy Easter pretty Mommas! It’s a quite morning for a sleepy head chatty writer. I skipped my morning coffee routine because I’ll be at work tonight. To be up all night means a dose of caffeine before the busy hospital shift. As much as I love coffee, I try to limit my intake to once a day or else I will be up til the morning. We don’t have much plans for today apart from attending the Sunday Easter mass then home to get some sleep before going to work. And of course, my blogging hobby won’t be out of the picture. (wink😉) I’m just here to share some reviews of my newest obessions!
I’ve shared from our Facebook page my recent book obsession of Colleen Hoover. I started with Co Ho’s It Ends With Us. The reviews I’ve read online were really true. If you could imagine I have finished one book in two days. If I wasn’t only busy with my Momma duties I could have finished it in one day. It was seriously a book we would find it hard to put down because of the excitement of what’s going to happen next as we flip the next page. I highly recommend this book to all my book lover friends.

This book made me laugh, smile, angry and sobbed a lot especially the last few chapters of it. I didn’t like how it ends though. I wish Ryle could have been better in his anger control. I wish Lily could have ended with Ryle. I wish Atlas had found someone else in Boston. Anyhow, I still love this book and to be honest, I haven’t gotten over it yet. Hoping another sequel will be released to continue their story. So brave of the author to write a part of her true to life experience witnessing domestic abuse in her home when she was little. Loads of lesson can be learned from this book although it is fictional but the experiences of the characters are very much likely to happen to anyone. Co Ho has shared meaningful quotes as well through out the story and my favorite one is this,“There is no such thing as bad people. We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things.”
I’m planning to buy more of her books. These will be my next on the list.

Also bought a new lobby rug last week to add color to our downstairs hallway. Got torn to choose between a distressed gray morrocan rug or those colorful rugs. But then if I chose the gray tone with our darker gray wall paint, I find it a little boring to be all gray. I wanted to have some pop of colors in this little space.
This is the before look.

Tandaan after my teal rug arrived with my little model wanting to be part of the photoshoot. It’s quite dark in the photo due to the lighting but it’s actually quite real bright colored one. Small things like this makes this Momma so happy already. Seeing our homes tidy and well taken cared of is one of a mother’s satisfaction to complete our day.

The last but not the least newest crazy find I got is the realization of having a handy camera of my own for my blog photos. I love photos. I love taking photos of my family then having them printed. I love posing for a shot. Anything about pictures is something that always makes me excited. I have a Canon DSLR way back at home and didn’t bother bringing it here because I’m not into bulky cameras now. I wanted to have something handy but with nice lense and new features to connect to wifi, phone Bluetooth and our personal computer at home. Glad to have found Canon PowerShot SX740 HS. It’s so cute that won’t eat your bag allowance space when traveling.
These are my sample shots transferred from my camera to my mobile phone then uploaded to my website. The power of technology never cease to amaze me.

One of the features I super like for this camera is its flip-forward screen. You can see yourself whilst taking a selfie.

It’s just me and my boy doing modeling photo trial with its lense.

I now have a favorite mirror selfie buddy.

We tried using it when we went to town and snap a photo with my twinning boys. Akyn’s top is from Kuya Adrian’s hand me down. Salamat Kuya. Akyn is growing to be a little AJ.

Even if you’re shooting on the move, it still captures a clear photo because of its 4K ultra high definition movie resolution.

I got the best model in the house.

I need to get my beautiful behind out of this chair and be ready for mass. Happy Easter again Lovelies.