Tried 42nd East Bakehouse Hull

Two weeks of having Akyn at home during their school break allows us to spend so many bondings together. He's currently at his very clingy stage.Wherever I go in the house,he's there also doing something just to be near me.(LOL) This Momma is enjoying every bit of his clinginess! We haven't booked any travel plans for his short vacation just because we got to prioritize our finances.The fact that we've just paid our processing fee for my visa renewal last month that would mean we are still recovering financially. Got to pay those important bills first Momma! Welcome to the... Read More

First Place Solo Piano Competition 2024

Perfect bed weather to those staying at home on a Monday morning like me.(LOL) Always flexing my rest days at the start of the week while most of the working class are starting their busy week, am I not?šŸ¤£Hope everyone's fine doing each of our own task for today.šŸ˜˜ We did a Sunday reset yesterday as a family. I never thought my boy would be so delighted to help me clean the house with us. He amazingly enjoys asking for a task on what to clean in the house to join the cleaning sesh. I was left with few things... Read More

Start of the Festive Season

Christmas is really coming so near guys and I can't wait for the happiest special day to come. Although, the weather is getting colder and colder as we get nearer to the winter season, I still love December. My Akyn's birthday is also this month adding to the list of what so special at the end of the year. He loves Christmas the same as I do, my little best friend forever, my always ready photobomber in every photo. Our home decorations for Christmas are all up. I didn't buy much decor for this year because I got so much... Read More

London College of Music Certificate

Akyn received his London College of Music official certificate after passing his grade 1 piano exam early this year. We thought the certificate will be sent next year but hey-ho, it got delivered surprisingly earlier than what we expected. I posted his photo two months ago in our FB page which means this is a very long overdue blog post again. Still, I wanted to capture this experience in my blog to mark a beautiful achievement of my boy with his love for music. ā¤ļø We always express to him how much we are so proud of his performance and... Read More

Hull Fair 2023

Another overdue blog post that should have been completed on the first two weekss of October. I'm running behind with my blogs because of my working schedules plus the extra curricular activities as a mum made it difficult to find the peaceful state of the undisturbed moment to write on this blog. Hi five to all busy pretty mommas in the universe. Anyway, let's get started. Every first week of October, we have what we call as Hull Fair here and my Akyn is the number fan excited to visit the fair. I am excited for the street food ONLY... Read More

Pilipinas Vacation 2023 Part 2

For a three weeks vacation, it was too short for us to do everything we intended to do at home. It might be too long for others who are just going on a holiday but for an overseas workers like us, itā€™s not enough. Going home doesnā€™t only mean like what others define what a vacation should be. For an OFW it means catching up with the lost precious time of the life we left back home, it means seeing all our loved ones and friends budgeting time spent to accommodate everyone we wanted to spend time with, it means... Read More

Life Update First Q 2023

The first quarter of 2023 is almost finished. How fast the days went! I've also had reached my fourth year of stay in this country. Yay! Happy fourth to us as an immigrant. Is it a big deal surviving this long to stay in a country with completely different culture from us? Of course, it ain't easy adapting to everything new. Coming here with only a suitcase full of clothes leaving everything we've started back home because we wanted change to happen to our professional growth is something I will always be thankful I decided to take the risk. It... Read More

Christmas 2022

I hope everyone of you guys had a wonderful time during Christmas. For the three of us we spent a lovely Holidays together. Apart from getting busy with all the Christmas shopping for the gift giving activity, we offered most of our time doing singing practice with our friends from St. Charles preparing for the Christmas eve and Christmas Day mass. I was poorly last 2021 and unfortunately I missed those two important church activities. Gladly for 2022, I was finally able to experience joining my friends to witness a joyful evening mass. These were few of my wrapped gifts... Read More

Fall Season Pumpkin Picking

I've finished this book, The Point of Retreat which is the second sequel of CoHo's book entitled Slammed. It was definitely another legend she has created to continue the love story of Will and Layken. I'm on the third book now called This Girl. I'm crossing my finger I'll also fall in love with her creation again. I got hooked with the first book where she introduced about an activity called poetry slam in the story where a group of young people gather together in a club to courageously recite their own made poems expressing their deepest emotions of something.... Read More

My Fave Wax Melt Creations

I'm quite in a good mood for this morning after finishing to check out my Amazon cart for new cloth textiles and some additional bits for my sewing craft. It's an accomplishment for a beginner like me in the sewing craft to be able to learn how to operate the machine and get my first projects done. Update for my journey is the finished pillow cases I did. I didn't realize though that a meter of cloth can only make one piece and a half of a pillow case. I need at least two meters to create a pair of... Read More

Filey Beach

I took a quick rest after sorting out all our travel stuff and putting them back to where they needed to be at home. Yes, we've just arrived from our summer holiday and I can't wait for tomorrow to start blogging about it. So, I started my part one of the travel blog now. We've promised Akyn a holiday prize after he won his piano competition in Hornsea last July. We shouldn't break a promise to our child especially if it's a gift for something he worked hard to earn it. He requested to visit London again for the nth... Read More

Newest Obsession Review

Happy Easter pretty Mommas! It's a quite morning for a sleepy head chatty writer. I skipped my morning coffee routine because I'll be at work tonight. To be up all night means a dose of caffeine before the busy hospital shift. As much as I love coffee, I try to limit my intake to once a day or else I will be up til the morning. We don't have much plans for today apart from attending the Sunday Easter mass then home to get some sleep before going to work. And of course, my blogging hobby won't be out of... Read More

His First Solo Cantor Experience

While walking with my Akyn in going to school earlier in the middle of the breezing cold winter of three degrees this morning, he asked me randomly,"Did God make this cold weather Mommie?" I said yes and he further asked,"Why?" I need to answer his question or else he won't stop dropping the topic not until he will get the answer to it. "Because God wants us to experience what a cold weather feels like." "If we only have a nice weather all the time then we won't be able to appreciate how lovely the sun is without knowing how... Read More

Hull Fair

Akyn went to school using his bike instead of his scooter as suggested by me thinking he hasn't used his little bike for quite sometime now. I haven't realized though that I will be going home carrying the heavy metal bike alone after sending him to school. Tried to push it using my hands but because it is so small it hurts my back when I am leaning down. I did rather carry it back home and promised not to offer it again in going to school. We'll stick in using his scooter from now on. Duh! A little sleepy... Read More

Bridlington Family Trip

I had a little ME time moment after I sent my Akyn to school this morning. It feels refreshing to do things we love for ourselves pretty Mommas from time to time. Went to my favorite thrift shop to get some home decors then had a short peek of new clothes for this season from my favorite clothesline. Shopping has always been a therapeutic activity for me. I should do some haul for my newest collections of thrifted decors on my future post and how I style it at home. Don't you think that would be interesting? Anyway for today... Read More


I should have posted another blog post yesterday but I got exhausted in spending almost six hours finishing my do it your own beautifying my toiletries organizer. Look how badly rust had almost taken over the original beauty of this silver stand. After a year and a half of usage it turned out like this but never had I thought about disposing it. I'm not that type who would normally let go of my purchased stuff not unless it's totally impossible to restore them. I value where my money goes that means every item I buy has always a special... Read More