I can attest now that the kind of weather affects someone’s mood. I thought before one’s disposition depends ONLY with how our brain cells choose to view things everyday but no. If the weather is miserable out there, I tend to become more tired. All I want is to stay indoors and hone the introvert side of me. Duvet covers on, book in one side of the hand and the other hand is free to grab my cup of coffeee. Cozy but it makes me a little sad not able to see Mr. Sunshine. I grew up in a tropical country which makes me a summer obsessed, always cold but never warm enough.
I’m glad my favourite sun is up this morning. I’m more eager to finish all my planned activities for today. I’m done doing the cleaning bits as of yesterday. Today, is purely a free day to do my hobbies and that’s completing my weekly blog post.
Let’s start with Mon and my chubby cheeks. LOL. Why is it that the longer years of our marriage is the wider our faces are transforming into. Hahaha. Is it because food is more enjoyable to eat when you have someone to share eating it with? Yikes.😂😂😂
Anyway, let me share my recent projects during cold days when I prefer to be in the comfort of our home. I’m loving to learn more doing DIY sewing projects. I’m starting to make my own pillow cases and scrunchies as well. This is my first project. For two meters of this fabric, I was able to make at least three peices of pillow cases.
My Mama has the same hobby at home but I never had any interest of learning it before. It was only now after I watched several videos in YT sharing what else we can do with an electric sewing machine. I said to myself, “Why not try it?” I wasn’t wrong because now I’m becoming more interested to learn more. This is what I do during my rest shifts. Look for nice fabric either in stores or online. Then creating some nice pieces for my own consumption at home.
The gray version of my first attempt. I love it because I can choose the design of what fabric to use for our pillow cases. It’s not that difficult to make. I thought it was that complicated. Thank you Youtube for all the beginner’s video tutorial. It helped me a lot.
I’ve ordered the floral fabric from Amazon. I think it was around almost 4 pounds per meter. Two meters of cloth is required to make a pair of this.
I made an oversized scrunchie for the exrtra fabric. I Love hair accessories and having the skills to make my own saves me from purchasing overpriced hair bubble.
We are already starting to use the blue floral one now. Aren’t they so cute to look at? Always be the first one to appreciate your hardwork as they say! LOL😂
Another extra blue floral oversized scrunchie. I can use them when I’m at work that requires me to tie my hair always.
Bought this fabric from Boyes. The cheapest but it turned out to be so cute for a little boy’s bedroom.
and that’s my little boy encouraging me to continue my hobbies at home. A life full of gratefulness in every little thing we have, is a heart that never runs out of joy.
Lovely morning to all my Pretty Mommas.