At the start of this month my boy has been non stop asking me as to when are we going to start decorating our house ready for the holiday season. We used to do our preparation at the beginning of September. Too early for some I know! But in the Philippines once the Ber months would start to kick in it is pretty common for you to hear Christmas songs played in big malls with the brightest Christmas lights shining through the night. For me our tradition back home is still the most festive joyous way of celebrating God’s birthday. Yay!
It’s our first Christmas of being together here in the UK. How time flies! Last year was not the loveliest winter for me of being alone working abroad but now is the exact opposite. How can I miss preparing for the event I’ve been longing to experience of being together as a family.
Here are our great finds for my decorating journey.
Bought my decorations from different shops. Our 7ft green bushy artificial pine tree was from Amazon. This is the link guys. You’re welcome. LOL( SHATCHI 7ft/2.1m Green Bushy Imperial Pine Artificial Deluxe Christmas Tree Hinged Branches 1084 Pencil Point Tips with Metal Stand Xmas Home Decorati )

There were cheaper trees sold in our local shops but it’s not as bushy like what I wanted it to be. I don’t mind spending few more dimes to get my ideal Christmas tree. It’s going to be our permanent one anyway not unless it’ll get damaged. So why should we do penny-pinching if we intend to use it a lifetime, right?

Doing decoration with fun.

and this is the final output.

We loved it because finally we can feel the spirit of Christmas at home.

Source: Tesco 100 pieces set of baubles. Price: 20.00 GBP

Source: B&M: One set of Silver baubles. Price: 3.00 GBP Very affordable, isn’t it? Planned to have a silver and red combo decors for our tree the same motif I had in Cebu. I’m still waiting for my additional red colored decorations from Amazon.

Source: B&M: 180 cm Pre-lit garland with cherries and cones. It’s approximately 180 cm battery operated lights. Price: 15.00 GBP
Source: B&M: Three pieces of gray Santa Sock with embroidered Dad, Mum and little bear. Suits for the three of us. Price: 3.00 GBP each
Source: B&M: Wooden hanging Christmas themed accessories Price: 1.50- 2.00 GBP each

For more detailed view.

Hanged the little trinket in our small living room.

Source: B&M Christmas Wreath Price: 7.00 GBP.

The best place for the wreath to get displayed.

Source: ASDA Red Merry Christmas word hang Price: 1.00 GBP.

No matter how simple those decors maybe, remember our little ones will never mind the price or how elegant it would turn out. They cared more of us letting them feel the real essence of the celebration with the warmth of being happy together on Christmas Day. We are all excited for December

Enjoy your decorating journey pretty Mommas.