Mon’s Birthday and Akyn’s Achievement

We've been waiting for our Monoy's special day to come because the three of us are off on his birthday. The feeling of waking up in the morning and not thinking of coming to work or having any strict schedule to follow is an absolute gem in our adulting lives Pretty Mommas.😊 Our Akyn woke up early to greet his Dad a happiest birthday. Our boy already planned what to do on this day. He wanted us to buy Daddy a present, enjoy strolling the city and to eat out together as a family. I couldn't agree more with his... Read More

Toy Story Standee

Since October of 2018 during Elaine’s house warming, my college circle of friends already agreed to have our mini reunion celebration on the same date of Akyn’s third birthday celebration. Thank you guys for sticking to the agreed plan. It’s less costly because our food, the venue and the entire preparation shall be done all at once. We talked a little bit of our plans ahead of time on what we were supposed to do during the event such as our games, the exchange gifts and the time of the gathering. I got voluntold to be the host. I got... Read More

Osting’s by the Sea Restaurant, Bar + Grill

We planned to have a dinner together a month before my birthday. There’s something so special for this year to be together. I don't have the definite answer if we can still make this family time as often as we wanted to by the moment my new opportunities for my professional growth will start to get realized. As much as we do have the time, then will make the most of it for now. [caption id="attachment_8311" align="aligncenter" width="3000"] Mama, My sister Me An and her BF Eric[/caption] Please excuse my overly focused face. ☺ [caption id="attachment_8303" align="aligncenter" width="3000"] The opposite side of... Read More

A Glimpse Of His Beautiful Past (Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary)

It was a dream come true for me and my husband to visit the place where my spouse spent 4 years of his college time. We planned and booked our airline ticket since last year to spend his birthday in the summer capital of the Philippines, "Baguio City". Aside from exploring the beauty of the scenery, one of our main agenda was to visit Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary. My better half is an ex-seminarian and he used to stay in the seminary for four years before he decided to quit. As they say, "Many are called for the priesthood vocation but... Read More