Our original plan for Akyn’s baptism was supposedly April 9, 2016 but because I had chicken pox it was moved to April 30, 2016. Akyn had chicken pox when he was still 2 months old. The Varicella virus was transmitted to me since I was the primary care giver who had not experienced it. I was worried about my guests’ and suppliers’ schedules for the christening if I would move the date. A close friend of mine said, that I should be concerned more about my health and my presence to my son’s Christening. She advised me to move the planned date. I was thankful that everybody adjusted to the new date. I was able to let my scars heal and I had enough time to create more DIY preparations for the event.
I love putting my personal touch to every important event in my life. It doesn’t really need to be expensive to come up with a beautiful DIY souvenirs. You only need to add your creativity on it. I am fortunate to have a creative sister who helped me in creating the designs. My Papa also helped us in cutting out pictures. He loves doing DIY stuff at home just like Mama. Mon took care of the Photoshop related concerns. It’s a TEAMWORK shall I say.
The theme for Akyn’s Christening was Teddy Bear. I love bears. My endearment for my husband is Teddy Bonjing. That’s how much I love about bears. I am fascinated with Teddy bear’s fluffiness making me wanting to snuggle.
These are Akyn’s outfit.
These are the DIY souvenirs we made for our guests. It’s a cupcake towel with Akyn’s face as the cupcake topper. Mon photoshopped Akyn’s face into a cute little bear.
We also prepared something for Akyn’s Godparents. A bath towel turned into a bear.
Our customized candles, matched box and box design invitation.
Our DIY Life sized Standee to welcome the guests.

The letter standee was made by my office mate. We painted and added some characters on it to match with the Teddy Bear Theme.
This is the sweets and dessert table.
We booked Hannah’s Place as our venue for 60-70 guests.
We were happy everything went well as planned. This is the start of Akyn’s amazing journey towards the Catholic faith.
[…] who chose the birthday theme for Akyn (mother knows best). As you all know from my previous post (Akyn’s Christening) that I had shared about how much I am into bears, so this time I opted to have Winnie the Pooh and […]