My son exhibits a new behavior before going to sleep every night. He will always check on me if I am beside him. He will pitch a fit if he finds out that I am away from his side. He’s getting more clingy making me wanted to spend more time at home. It’s one of the struggles of a working Mom trying to divide my time between my job and my family. I often feel the guilt seeing my child left at home every time I am heading to work. Someday, a better opportunity may come for us to spend more time together as family.
Before he slept, I sang a soothing Lullaby song to help him fall into slumber. While I was at the middle part of the song, he interrupted and requested me for a Happy Birthday Song instead and said,” Mi (shortened word for Mommy),Tededede to you.”
Have you heard a mother singing a Birthday song to their toddlers before sending them to bed? I personally haven’t known such. Funny, isn’t it? Because it was his request, with no hesitation the loving Mom sang the song until he finally surrendered to his urge to sleep.
We slept at around 11 P.M. and I still had a shift for tomorrow’s work early morning. I didn’t care about being an hour late for my usual sleeping time as long as I had spent a beautiful night with my only boy.
For all working Moms who felt the pangs of conscience for not getting enough time with their kids, you are not alone, I can totally relate with you. Being a working mother, is also a matter of sacrifice that we do. It’s not just about the realization of our own career dreams. It’s about helping our partners support the financial needs of our growing family. With the increasing cost of living of today’s generation, budgeting our family funds is becoming a challenge. How much more if we will only have one source of income?
Every family is different and what we are doing as a working Mother is for what we think is best for our loved ones. Having a part of our day consumed for our jobs doesn’t mean we are neglecting our child’s needs. We may not have the entire time to be with them, but with the best of our capabilities, we are trying to squeeze in all our schedules to make sure our mom duties are not compromised.
We can’t have it all as they say, still we have an option to consider our hardships as part of our marvelous journey of being a mother. Motherhood is a difficult job we are carrying on our shoulders, but certainly a worth it experience.
So adorable little Akyn.
Thank you Tita Ann.♥