Perfect bed weather to those staying at home on a Monday morning like me.(LOL) Always flexing my rest days at the start of the week while most of the working class are starting their busy week, am I not?🤣Hope everyone’s fine doing each of our own task for today.😘
We did a Sunday reset yesterday as a family. I never thought my boy would be so delighted to help me clean the house with us. He amazingly enjoys asking for a task on what to clean in the house to join the cleaning sesh. I was left with few things today because we’ve done most of my list of jobs to do. Thank you boys.❤️Family time doesn’t always equates to a lavish activity. Sometimes, as simple as tidying up our little home can be so fun to do.❤️
And because the house is clean, I am free to create a blog post with our recent happy victory of Akyn last Saturday. He joined this year’s music festival in Cottingham again to play his solo piano piece. He was looking forward for this event although he felt both scared and excited prior to his performance. Assurance of support is all we could give him to at least ease his nervousness. Loose or win, we are so proud of him for the effort he gave to his love for music. We promised a little present after the program and he continuously asked several times if he will still get a prize whether he wins or looses the competition.
Yes, Mon and I were both ready to treat him whatever happens. What’s important to us is the experience he will remember every time he channels his adrenaline by sharing his musical talent. Joining in a contest will also help him practice to overcome his fear of performing in front of a large crowd and that’s one of our main reasons why we are more than willing to give our full support to this kind of activity.❤️It’s not just all about winning. It is more on helping him build his confidence and be more at ease in doing more public piano performance.
The program was scheduled at nine in the morning and we needed to be there at least fifteen minutes early. As punctual birds, we came an hour early to find our desired seat to watch my baby play. I prepared his outfit a night before making sure he looked smart during his big day.❤️

He’s showing the piece he’ll be playing entitled, “Sonatina in G Major by Ludwig Van Beethoven.” We bought this music book during our holiday back home. Mon found this gem in National bookstore whilst I was shopping for random stationery stuff. It’s a collection of Beethoven’s music.

Arrival to the venue. As shown, the Music Festival here lasts for a month with different music category.

The grand piano he will be using to share his music. He had to test it first to get the hang of using it because we don’t have this kind of luxurious piano at home (wish we have lol)🤣

After overcoming his fear, the Lord God answered his prayers. Congratulations baby for winning the first place in Grade 1 category. We will continually support you as long as we can with your music endeavours.

and the parents behind the scene giving our all out love and encouragement for our little boy.

As promised, we had our lunch in Akyn’s chosen restaurant. He can’t get over the special noodle soup in Pho36. All the food we ordered tasted delish.

Went to church the following day to give thanks to all the blessings we received. Twinning with both shades of green with my favourite little human

Tie Dye design from the 90’s is now back hitting the stores.

Cheers to more wins baby. We are very proud of you our Akyntoot.❤️