Hello to another immigrant journey blogging 101.😍 I haven’t been very well last weekend with all the non stop sneezing and runny nose going on. Whenever the weather changes, my body reacts to it and the reaction is often not nice. I’m thankful, I am feeling a bit better today. Hope all of you are all ok, too.
Yesterday, when Akyn arrived home, he was very eager to show his award from school. “Look Mama, I have a prize from school today!” Then the conversation never stopped with him narrating how he managed to get it, to how he felt getting the certificate and so on. Little wins my Love are more than enough to make this Momma proud of you ALWAYS.❤
It is so precious to savour this kind of experience with our little ones. I love to enjoy every bit of his chatty phase and I am hoping he would stay that way until he grows up. I have seen one Tiktok entry of a mum with teenage kids where she was sharing her sadness as her kids weren’t talking to her at all whilst they were going out to eat. All her kids’ attention were on the phone until they went home. She was devastated reminiscing the times when her teens where in the primary school talking to her all day with anything, completely opposite to how they are now. I can feel her pain. When she started crying it made me teary, too. Maybe because I am also a mum. I can’t imagine myself to go through a stage of my son ignoring me. God forbid!😥
At this precious age of Akyn, I try my very best to take a moment to stop and listen to his stories. Spend time with him when I am able. We went out yesterday after school although I am not fully recovered yet because he wanted us to shop together. He even reminded his Daddie to transfer money to me for our shopping budget the night before. (LOL)😂 I love you Akyntoot, my forever love.
It’s one of the reasons why I always promote family time now for us not to miss the real meaning of LIFE. 😍That being said, weeks ago, we decided as a family to do some plants hunting together to add some color to our boring garden. LOL🤣 Went to B and Q to get more garden supplies.
Akyn requested if he could choose at least one flower for him. This is Akyn’s choice. So pretty like his Mama. 🤣🤣🤣
My two companions for our garden plants hunting.
Our flowers are starting to bloom now. These two are tasked to water them when I am at work. Hi Spring😍