Stairs Renovation

Our little home needs lots of renovations still. From the moment when we were granted the permission to occupy by our home developers until now, we made quite a few improvements to it. It was merely a simple box house with a toilet, uncovered kitchen with sink and stairs. Nothing extra ordinary! If you are so meticulous with the aesthetic side of the house, it would be hard for you to decide to reserve for one. It was on sale when I grabbed the opportunity to have my own space. With only P5000.00 reservation, you can move in then start your monthly mortgage payment. Isn’t that a catch for a starting family like us?

Our first project included the water and electricity connections, floor tiles of the entire house plus the window grilles last 2013. Followed by the installation of room divisions and ceiling last 2014 after our wedding. We were in the middle of our third housing renovation when I knew I was pregnant with Akyn last 2015. Yey! Two blessings in one year. Our last improvement was for our kitchen and customized cabinets under the stairs to maximize the space.

This year, we made another effort to continuously improve our little home. Because we now have our active toddler who loves roaming around the house, we badly need to install our railings of the stairs due to safety purposes. It’s so hard to look for a carpenter in our area where we don’t have anyone we knew in our subdivision. So, aside from the railings, we made it to a point to also include other house repairs like the additional room for our guests and our gate as well. For Deca Home owners, I’ll  provide the estimated cost of labor and materials as your reference incase you’ll plan to have your unit fixed too.

House makeover is a taxing job both financially and physically. With all the cleaning done after each progress made by the carpenters and their everyday request for a new list of construction materials. It would really hurt your wallet Mommas. Ouch! Our Mommy budgeting skills is greatly challenged during these times. This means for me to have NO unnecessary shopping, cancelled out of town trips and strict adherence to the pre-planned expected expenses for the week. Got to survive this predicament!☺

Before the renovation, our stairs looked like this. Very prone for accidents with the remaining pieces of wood from our previous renovation project. I don’t normally dispose any unused construction materials, rather I keep them because I know I can still use them for our next home improvement. Practicality at it’s best!



After three days, this was their finish output☺.


The most awaited final touch of the stairs. Mon wanted to have it painted black. I preferred white. Guess whose decision prevailed! (Wife knows best☺)



Labor: P7000 + P1000 (Painting Works) Construction Materials: P5000-P7000

Home sweet home with my little buddy☺



















  1. Love the finished output. The price seemed affordable.

    1. Thanks.☺

  2. Your little model looks so adorable. I love the cabinets under the stairs! Perfect to save space. Your home feels a bit safer now for your toddler with the newly built railings.

    1. Thanks for dropping by.☺

  3. You definitely know how to beautify your house. I liked it coz you painted the railings white. It looks pleasing to the eyes and so neat.

    1. Thank you.☺

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