Two weeks of having Akyn at home during their school break allows us to spend so many bondings together. He’s currently at his very clingy stage.Wherever I go in the house,he’s there also doing something just to be near me.(LOL) This Momma is enjoying every bit of his clinginess!
We haven’t booked any travel plans for his short vacation just because we got to prioritize our finances.The fact that we’ve just paid our processing fee for my visa renewal last month that would mean we are still recovering financially. Got to pay those important bills first Momma! Welcome to the world of the working class adult.
We still made his school break interesting without the need of spending a lot. He did some art session at home with his coloring materials. He made all these different kinds of babies drawing with their special powers. He asked me which one is my fave. I bet my top pick would be the sleeping baby because I am at the point in my life that I would rather choose to sleep during my off than to do a night out party every weekend.(LOL)

I also had a new addition to our home to elevate the decor. Got the wooden rack organizer from Amazon to get our breakfast food a nook for them.We will be able to see if we needed to refill our to go food in the morning because its placement is more visible now. How cool is that!

Then last week, I took Akyn for a quick stroll in town.Bought him his new fave author books, Tom Gates. Did a little walk near Princess Quay then we had fish and chips for lunch. Before heading home, we decided to try out a new eating place in St Stephen, the 42nd East Bakehouse.
Look at my little handsome date.

We tried only one menu to share because we knew we can’t finish one after we had fish and chips in town. We chose the Pancake flavoured Biscoff Crumb & Curls Drizzle paired with homemade lemon juice. It was so tasty. One serving is good for two for a dessert. I’m sure we will be coming back to try out more in their menu.

and before the week ends, Mon bought me my new pair of work shoes. OMG should I return to work already? I am currently on a vacation leave and having my new pair of Clarks gave me a little joy of why I should go to work.(LOL) For aspiring nurses to be in the UK, a piece of advise is to invest with a comfy pair of sturdy shoes because your feet will thank you for that. Nurses here are always on their feet. It’s a miracle if you can see us sitting once in a while. Most of the time we are adding more and more to our steps count daily while at work. Goodluck to you all who are in their way of having their UK Nurse dream to come to reality.

Akyn’s school time will resume on Monday. Got to enjoy more days with my little one before he goes back to school. Have a lovely weekend to all!