What a night to remember we had yesteday! My husband’s employer invited the family members of their employees for the office official blessing. I was hesitant to visit due to some time constraints and also, I am not really fond of attending to social gatherings not unless I know someone close to me who shall be present on the event as well.
I had persuaded Mon to attend our pool party with my colleagues last Thursday. It was just right for me to reciprocate to his request in engaging for their office gatherings.
How was the experience?
If there’s someone who really had a blast on the event, then that’s going to be Akyn. The most smiling visitor! He never showed any hesitations in responding to the pleasant greetings from his Dad’s workmates. Quite amazed on how my kid developed such a warm personality in dealing with people he’d never met before.

How did Akyn developed a friendly behavior? These are the practices we do at home. You may have a different way of helping your kids to socialize though.♥
- Giving Positive Reinforcement– Whenever he meets a new visitor at home, we encouraged him to do the honoring-gesture (Mano Po) as a sign of respect to the elders. Praising him after doing so, helped him practice it as a habit and gave him an idea it’s a good conduct.
- Socializing him frequently- He’s an only child and has no other kids at home to play with. What his Dad would normally do is to bring him to our town plaza during his rest days and have him play with the other kids. Sometimes, if we do have enough budget, we let him play to a nearby mall play pen to mingle with kids of almost the same age group.
- Talk With Him Often- He got so many questions and very curious in everything. Mommy unsa Na? (Mom what do you call that?). A never ending question and answer moment with him. I don’t get tired of satisfying his curiosity because for me, it’s his way of learning and our manner of sharing happy moments together. It’s some sort of Mommy and Baby bonding, I should say.
Let me show you some of the pictures in Mon’s office.☺ I am so amazed with their walls. Instead of having it painted with a plain color like a conventional office would look like, they had it creatively put life into each wall. Love it♥
Irresistibly cute! I didn’t know Mon likes putting all these cute stuff on his work desk. (soft side of him)
♥♥ His Go Green work station
The cutie brown turtle.
His secret weapon for his programming skills. Tadada!
We ended our night with a family dinner.
They’re offering affordable Ramen here for only Php 150.00 and Php 250.00 if you’ll add a side dish.

Sharing is Loving:
Ramen Dojo
The Walk, IT Park, Lahug, Cebu City
Opening Hours:10AM to 11PM
Japanese Cuisine
His work is entirely different from my own world where my career life revolves. I can’t relate to those digits and numbers he got on his screen. One thing I know, his job isn’t as easy as I thought. Too much of brain activity required in task completion. I should be more supportive to his professional growth. It’s my priority JOB as his wife anyway.
Ahhh.. I so love the Ramen it makes me hungry. I really have to visit this place
very affordable and delicious. Surely, you’ll love it. Thanks for dropping by
Thank you for joining our office blessings. I’m happy to see your presence
Welcome. I’ll always be here to support you