Day 3 Cornwall-St Michael’s Mount

Non stop rain for the past two days here in Hull. I am really missing summer now.😒I am a summer baby lover. So here I am finishing my next blog post of our Cornwall trip whilst fully covered with my cozy blanket at home. Anyway, back to our main subject for this morning, we made it sure to book an activity in our everyday stay in Cornwall. Of course, it seldom happens when we visit the place, we needed to make the most of it. Booked it online two days in advance for everyone in the group to be able... Read More

God’s Answered Prayer-Second Baby Coming

It took me a while to update another blog to my website because I felt so exhausted 😩 last few weeks ago. Reading from the title of my blog, you’ll be able to tell what good news I am about to share to you pretty Mommas.Yes, I am carrying our second baby in the family. 🫶🏼 We’ve been trying for so long to have another child and we’ve actually reached the point when we already accepted that God might have only destined me to have one baby in my lifetime. But then, without us expecting, the most awaited happy blessing... Read More

Piano Solo Invite-Celebration Concert Cottingham

I still can't believe my little man got invited to perform his solo piano performance last Saturday,16th of March in Cottingham. Akyn was so excited and looking forward for the special day to come. Who would have thought we will be able to experience to be part of the beautiful musical event like this in the UK. It was our first time seeing young people performing using musical instruments like the harp, violin and the angelic voices of the children,too gave me goose bumps. It wasn't just an ordinary performance because the participants in the event were mostly winners from... Read More

Welcoming My Mid-Thirties Life

I was kind of looking forward to celebrate my birthday few weeks ago because I will have my shopping time in my chosen shopping area without worrying of using my own card to pay for it. Mon is going to pay for me as a treat. (LOL) Is it always about treating myself thoughts? 😂😂Nooooooo! I'm excited to welcome another year in my human existence to explore what more the earth can offer or what more I can give to the world. I don't have any special skills to be boastful about but maybe, just maybe, there might be something... Read More

Little Office DIY Project

The coolest thing for today is apart from I am at home doing my Me Time, I have already finished all my household chores awaiting completion yesterday. This would mean I am free to do my hobby to blog or perhaps I can read a couple of pages of Nicholas Spark's entitled Dear John bought from one of my thrifting escapade I've been reading for a couple of weeks now or maybe, I can do a solo karaoke at home singing like nobody can hear. LOL😂 Nah, I'll start with my blog today and we'll see what will I want... Read More

Entry Way

I was so focused finishing my work related task in my last week shift when somebody randomly asked me,"Are you like this at home Michelle?" "Always in a rush and wants everything done, organized the way you wanted?" Quite surprised with the question which made me think as well if the way I behaved at work is exactly the same at home. Then I replied,"No because I am at home and I am more relaxed because it's my home!"I thought the conversation was done after my response but another follow up question was,"Are you married?" I gave a short response,"Yes!"... Read More

Our 7th

How's our marriage after seven years? I can right away answer this with a big smile saying," I am very happy and felt blessed all the time for having a man who will always be there with me through thick and thin. We did conquer big waves together. Shared both the sweet laughter of victories and tasted the bitter tears of sorrows of life's never ending circle of challenges and yet here we are, both standing still for our little family especially with Akyn together with us now. I'm just so thankful for making the right decision of finding a... Read More

Recall 2020

Felt energised after having an afternoon nap for three hours with my Akyn. 😘 Can't complain this moment of having to slow down a bit and spend more time with my boys. ❤️ Because it's winter season, we've been making a lemon ginger tea everyday warming us up from the chilly weather. We usually use our mini Russell Hobbs chopper for our ginger so it's easier to prepare the tea. The tea making with the complete gang. It's very easy to use kitchen helper plus the non complicated method cleaning required. We loved it. My mug says hello to you.... Read More

York Travel Part 1

It's the first day of our national lockdown here. How does it feel? Kind of the same situation during the first lockdown where non essential stores are close again like pubs, gyms and shopping centres. People are ask to stay at home more not unless going out for an important reason. Schools are still open though which would mean an everyday walk with my boy in going to school. We're being vigilant in updating ourselves with the recent announcements from the government because every now and then new laws tend to be implemented unexpectedly. I do hope everyone is coping... Read More

Bike With Me

Got loads of stuff done this morning. First task accomplished was to sleep. Then sleep for another hour and eventually slept until midday. Yikes! What can we expect to do on a rainy cold morning anyway during your rest day? Felt so cozy warming my body under the thick duvet with my four year old boy sitting on the bed playing with his toys while I am dozing off. How extremely sweet that moment is? Mon is busy working from home in the living room albeit the bed weather for the whole day. Uh felt sorry for him for he... Read More

6th Year and Counting

One of my most awaited vacation leave for the year finally came. Plans of going anywhere far? Not really. Bound to stay at home for my almost a week of stay at home rest from my demanding job. Anything special? Absolutely yes! Yesterday marked our 6th wedding anniversary. Another milestone achieved for our marriage. Looking back, we were just a couple madly in love with our differences in many aspects who decided to agree to disagree and get our love be officially blessed by our Catholic religion. Through the years several storms we've managed to surpass though we both knew... Read More

Starting All Over Again

On the second day of my time off I did loads of task to do some clean up in our little flat. Well done to me! Now that my family is here I felt like my accommodation is too small for the three of us. Unlike before when it was only me who seldom stays home during rest days as I rather would go to either the gym or do some shopping, sometimes to my friend's house. Totally opposite from now because we spend more time at home together. My flat here is like a little condo type if we... Read More

Just The Three of US

How does it feel to be mostly staying at home when you are not at work during this time especially to those married couples? Expectation wise many would think you can have some SOLO time with your partner. Well, nice if you got it because for us it's different. It's always the THREE of us. Akyn would sing this line, "Just the three of us all over the world tonight," as a reminder that the three of us should always go together. Nobody must be left behind. I'm not complaining about it anyway. I do think it as a blessing... Read More

Be Still Be Calm

I am writing this post as the bright day is slowly changing into a black curtain drape of the night and while listening to some 90's slow rhythm love song. Writing makes my whole senses calm when I felt like all the pressures thrown for me to face is starting to squeeze every bit of sanity left in me. It's like a soft melody soothing my tired self. If you could imagine that. During the mass today, Father Dawson mentioned something about the joy of success. He explained that in the road towards success we are expected to meet hardships... Read More

Mother’s Day In The UK

UK celebrates Mothers' Day today, the 31st of March. It's entirely different as to the date of the Philippines special day for mums. Happy Mother's day to me. Yey! As I walk towards the church earlier today, I had a lot of emotions carried with me on my way to attend the fourth Sunday of Lent. I felt happy because God gave me a chance to experience the way England celebrates this special day for us mums. More than ever grateful for this opportunity to get exposed to a different culture of warm and kindhearted people. How amazing is that?... Read More

The Hardest Part Of Leaving

It took me weeks before I can finally afford to write my own experience on how I managed to take a step away from my family on the day I was scheduled to leave my home country. It wasn't easy honestly. I would say it was one of the most terrible feeling of sadness I've ever felt in my entire life. It crushed my heart into pieces I got comments from people saying I must be part of the determined soul mothers who can leave their kids for the sake of my career development. I'm not even sure on how... Read More