Sharps Wardrobe and ILR Granted

I am feeling a bit better today after being sick for this week. So thankful to my family for looking after me whilst I spent most of the days in bed recovering and to my employer for giving me sometime off from work to rest. I wouldn't be fit to take care of my patient during those days to be honest. If there's something I am dreading a lot during my pregnancy, that would be being ill because I would be worrying a lot not just for myself but for my baby inside my womb, too. The struggle is real... Read More

Living Room Sideboard Decoration by Mich

I have attended a funeral service for the very first time here in the UK yesterday for one of my Filipino Kababayans. We aren't close personally but I was able to take part of providing his care when he got admitted to our ward. May he rest in peace eternally and my deepest condolences to the bereaved family.❤️ To those reading my blogs, you know how much I hated big gatherings draining my social battery. However, sometimes we needed to get out of our comfort zones to show our support to those who needed it. I am proud of myself... Read More

9th Wedding Anniversary

June has been a kind month to us filled with all the joyful events to be grateful in life. Well, everyday should be a day I needed to remind myself to be thankful I am still breathing doing the things I love, isn't it? That's the spirit grateful Momma!❤️ Although I know that life ain't always sunshine and rainbows to be honest. Gloomy days are unfortunately part of the equation in this lifetime. I acknowledge my feelings when I'm down. However, I make it to the point to shoo those cloudy days and let thy sunshine warm my human body.... Read More

Brand New Floors

Hey pretties. I'm here again blogging something exciting. It's my rest day. Thank God for the day off freedom from stress.🤣 I've done all my house chores so rather than waiting for next week for my usual blog posting schedule, why not do it now whilst I got a bit of free time to release all my thoughts into writing. The most exciting part of being an independent working adult(LOL) is the freedom to decide what to do with your living space. Yeah,this addicted Momma to making everything aesthetically pleasing is on the move again for another house renovation project.... Read More

Carpet and Wood Floor Change

I was browsing through my website prior to starting this blog post to do some minor changes to some entries and then I ended up reading again the old write up I did. It made me reminisce the exact event I have written and woken up the feelings I had on those events. Words are really powerful to bring back our memories, so use it well when you can.😍 For today's blog my main meat is all about our carpet update journey we did to our stairs and bedrooms. Overall experience was tiring especially the moving of furniture and cleaning... Read More