I hope everyone of you guys had a wonderful time during Christmas. For the three of us we spent a lovely Holidays together. Apart from getting busy with all the Christmas shopping for the gift giving activity, we offered most of our time doing singing practice with our friends from St. Charles preparing for the Christmas eve and Christmas Day mass. I was poorly last 2021 and unfortunately I missed those two important church activities. Gladly for 2022, I was finally able to experience joining my friends to witness a joyful evening mass.
These were few of my wrapped gifts last December. Gift wrapping was so much time consuming. I’m thinking of starting to pack few gifts each month so by December it won’t be that tedious.😂(LOL) What do you think?

Few of the simplest things in the world made me so much grateful last December. I didn’t ask or wish for a lot of material stuff. Rather, those unquantifiable but meaningful human needs were the gifts I was thankful to receive.
I’m thankful for the good health for me and to those whom I love.
I’m thankful for the security of our shelter keeping us warm and cosy during this winter season.
I’m thankful for the job I have giving us continuous source of income to survive.
I’m thankful for the gift of friendship to a few people who genuinely cared for us.
and lastly, I’m thankful for all the little blessings bestowed upon us.
Several things to be thankful for but these gifts listed above made it to the cut. My Christmas favourite photo of these two.

Before going to church, we did our yearly DIY family Christmas photo. I got so many fave shots awaiting to be printed for now. More pictures to add to our family collection of memories.

Spent the Christmas Day to our friends’ house, Ate Susan and Kuya Marcelo. Ate Jane’s family also came to join the get together Christmas lunch. Akyn’s jumper is a hand-me-down from AJ.

After the gathering, we spent the rest of the night at home listening to Akyn playing his piano pieces and binging to finish watching Akyn’s obsession with Wednesday series.

It was a well spent Christmas, indeed.