Finally felt settled enough to start updating my Akynfullhouse. Got so busy with my non stop duty schedule plus our moving house agenda. Can’t even find enough time to rest. This is the cruel reality of a working pretty Momma. LOL. Bet you might be able to relate to it as well.
We moved house on the 9th of September which was my Akyn’s first day of school, too. Can you imagine the stress of a mother coming straight from a night shift then tasked to complete the day without rest? Oh yes, tell me more about it. But I am still so thankful though for the blessing of having a more comfortable lair to stay with my boy getting the chance to study for free in the UK. What more can I asked for?
Never thought I would feel emotional seeing my little man cry while we left him with his teachers to start his first day of class. They say it’s a separation anxiety as we’ve been spending more time at home whilst the pandemic of Corona virus continues. It’s literally his first day to be alone with the people he just first met.

I am so proud of him for overcoming his fears. After the first day of school until now, he would always say to me how excited he is to start another play day in school. Hopefully he will continue to have the same enthusiasm towards studying in the future. =)
Anyway, the other meat for today’s post is about moving to a new home. First, I want to say thank you to my angels Ate Ester and Kuya Tony for giving us a hand in moving our stuff from our old flat to our house for FREE. They never asked for anything in return everytime they would offer a hand to help. We’re so much blessed to have them.❤️
So, where are we up to now in terms of tidying up everything? Well, proud to say we managed to clean, arranged stuff and make our place in order exactly on our first day of transfer. Thanks to my team companion in cleaning, my two handsome boys.

Let me share to you how our bedroom looks like as the other part of the house is already tidy but needs a little make over.

That big mirror on the far end is the closet with a sliding mirror built-in door. Most of our pieces of furniture came from thrift store in Doves House Hospice located in Hessle Road but look at the quality and the designs. Don’t they look so pretty? My bed covers, duvet covers and pillow cases all bought from Primark, my to-go shop.

Placed our Monzana (chosen name) bear in our bedroom as our guard when we are asleep. He’s been part of our little family from the moment he got delivered to us. Do you build such attachment to your toys,too?

There’s another little compartment inside our room where the boiler is located and where our footwear lives.

For my bedside table which came from the thrift store was only for about ten pounds. Placed some decorations on top of it exercising my creativity. The alarm clock was from Wilko then the little hand shaped cement looking ornament was a DIY item sold in B&M. Used plaster of paris to mold our Akyn’s hand. I super like it incorporating our identity in every part of our room. White night lamp was another gem bought from Doves last year. I’m kind of obsessed with the whites right now. Look at that little frosty covered flower mostly in white design from B&M. Isn’t it neat to look at with more whites inside the house?

Apart from white, I’m also looking into black, gray and wooden designs like any type of wood works would definitely be a bomb when they are all mixed together. Will update you once I’m done with decorating our little place.

Have a nice weekend ahead.