Sweet Treat

After the dental appointment, Akyn’s Godmother, Emma, had agreed to meet us to see her Godchild. It’s been a while since she last saw our Akyn. Yesterday was the perfect time to meet up when both our schedules were available. Yey! I’m thankful for the free time granted for me to spend time with my dearest friends. Unlike those days when I was still studying where I got all the spare time to go wherever I wanted to. The only concern was I got no budget to do so. And now, I may have the funds to splurge for an adventure but I can’t have the right schedule to enjoy it.

That’s how crazy life is. I’m getting used to it. Can you relate to my sentiments? Yes, you do. I know.☺(sigh)

While waiting for Emma, I gave my well-behaved baby a sweet treat. Eating ice cream after getting tooth extraction was my favorite when I was kid. It was like a reward after agreeing to endure the pain. Lol.☺


Akyn’s choice of flavor♥.


I ordered for the ice cream to be served with paper cups, not the cone. Small bits of cones may lodge in the extraction site causing irritation leading to infection. Better safe than sorry Mommas.☺


A couple of minutes later, Emma with our friend Meg came. At last, I’ve met these lovely ladies again. Two to three years of not seeing each other but things felt the same way as it used to be. The same loud laughter talking like we own the place, long hours of non-stop talking updating what’s the recent progress in each of our endeavors in our busy lives and the love for food adventure stayed constant. Who wouldn’t love to spend a day with them?


Had our lunch together in Manila Foodshoppe. I had posted a food review in one of my blog posts. You can click here for the entry to check for it. These mouth-watering dishes were all paid from the generous pocket of my friend, Emma. Her generosity never fades all through these years since I met her. She doesn’t hesitate to spend a fortune to her friends. Not everyone can do that or is willing to do such act. Thank you so much Emz for satisfying our tummies. I’ll make another post once Akyn will wear your gifts for his third birthday.

Mich: “One rice and a pitcher of juice for me.”

Meg: “I’ll have no rice please.” “Pancit Guisado is enough for my carbohydrate food source today.

Emma: “Hot Tea for my drinks please instead of a pitcher of juice.”

I should learn from these two on how to do self control with my appetite.

Buttered Chicken
Tastes like grilled pork with soy sauce
Fish Fillet Sweet and Sour
Siomai with Egg
Pancit Guisado
Maki with no noodles

They said that friends would come and go. That’s true. But If you are lucky enough to find some real gems in friendship who are proven to stick with you no matter what, don’t take them for granted. Keep them forever. Thanks for the friendship beautiful ladies.

See you the soonest with Shiro.♥


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