“Your baby is experiencing a fetal distress and your blood pressure reading is way to high above normal.” “We may need to proceed with an emergency Caesarian Section instead of risking you and your baby’s life with the Normal Delivery,” worried advise from my Doctor.
This was me and my baby’s experience 2 years ago. When we thought everything was fine but it turned out to be quite a tough road for the both of us. My labor pain almost took me 24 hours of enduring it. Have you heard about the quote that says,”You’ll never know how strong you are not until being strong is the only choice you have?” I would attest to confirm it’s for real. I can describe it as one of the most terrible distress a mother can experience. It felt like one of those worst menstrual cramps you had plus some stabbing effects on your abdomen multiply it by 10 or even more. Yes, labor pain hurt like CRAZY but of course, the pain is all worth it once you’ll hear the first cry of your newborn. We were all thankful for Akyn and I both made it.
From that moment when I first carried his tiny fragile body and experienced the developmental milestones from infant to toddler stage, finally today December 30,2017, marked his official 24 months of making us all happy. I can’t find the most appropriate word to describe the intense happiness we felt when he came into our lives. He’s a blessing from the Heavens and will continue to be a God’s favor to us as we spend this lifetime. He’s one of the main reasons for activating the release of our happy hormones. His laugh is contagious and can surely make miracles to lift my spirit. Time flies so fast. His infancy to toddler stage happened with just a blink of an eye. I can’t believe it!
His irrestible smile♥
I haven’t prepared any lavish parties for his 2nd birthday compared to his 1st birthday. We were about to go swimming today but for some important matters that needed attention, we didn’t push thru with the original plan. I had him play instead to his favorite play pen in one of the local malls in the area, ate on his best-loved eating place and shopped for some toys. His happy heart slept peacefully on our way home. Never we expected, my sister prepared a little surprise for our balloon lover birthday boy. His first reaction upon seeing the balloons was, “Wow Baboon (balloon)!”
The evening ended with the opening of gifts for everyone. We traditionally open our gifts every 30th of December instead of the 25th of the month. Guess who’s the winner for having the most number of presents received. Yeah, my toddler won the first place. He slept late because of it. Too excited to unwrap his gifts and play with each of his toys.
Happiest Birthday Baby Akyn. I am praying you’ll continue to be a good child just like what Daddy and Mommy wanted you to be a great follower of Christ. May the innocence of your heart be preserved and be an influenced to those people around you. We love you so much. We will always be here to support you as you grow and discover more about this beautiful world ahead of you.
Hi Akyn! The most smiling and sweet baby. We love you so much.
Kisses for you from Akyn=)