Gloomy foggy day it is. We are getting nearer to the coldest season of the year in each passing day. Not an exciting season for me because I don’t like coldness. I’m not like Elsa or Ana of the Frozen. LOL😂The weather might be cold but I still hope our hearts would remain the warmth needed to console each other’s gloominess at times. 😍
This is one of the reasons why I super love my blog and my FB blog page as it’s my venue to share my cordial personality to inspire others. Not letting anyone else dull our sparkles as they say. I also like my IG with few people aware I got one.😂
I had deactivated my personal FB for quite sometime now and it is really helpful for my mental health. Why? I find my FB account becoming more toxic and unfriendly at all. People add you to be a FRIEND but they don’t act like one. It feels like they added you to stalk what’s going on with your life and throw nasty shade of mockery if they aren’t glad about your happy disposition. Unlike my FB page, the only group I normally interact with are those genuinely interested to see me grow. They follow me because they do support my dreams, my aspirations to hone my interest with my hobbies without any judgement, no maligning character assasination, only pure support for a friend.
The only reason why my personal FB isn’t completely deleted, it’s because of the photos I’ve uploaded since I started to create the account. I’ll keep the access in case I wanted to print my photos in there. Other than that, it will remain shut for now. If I will reactive it my friend list might be reduced from 500 plus to ten (which includes my family and few people I adore). LOL😂
Is this a sign of aging Pretty Mommas? The more I grow older the lesser people I want to interact with my life. I don’t socialize with humans that much. It tires me a lot and I also find it a waste of my time. I would rather clean my house, read books or do online shopping to get productive than to mingle with humans I’m not fond with their company at all. Let me know if you are on the same age as me (30 something) LOL and you feel the same way as I do. Introvert activated!
Let me share one of my fave thing to do instead for today’s blog. Guess what it is? Online shopping my dearest!😂😂😂. This is my first time ordering something from SHEIN. I’ve got the mobile app few years ago but never ever tried to order one simply because of procastination issues. Congrats to myself for finding the courage to order finally.
Let’s start with my selfie OOTD. Slay Momma!

My online shopping haul mostly include hoarding for a mobile phone case. When we went to York Designer Outlet, we bought this clear silicone case whilst awaiting for the delivery of my phone. It was like ten pounds each. Told Mon this is too expensive compared to buying it online but he insisted Amazon online prices are much more expensive ranging up to 20 quid. I should have sticked to my instinct. I was right all along. Shein cases only cost from a pound to two pounds fifty as the highest with more lovely designs to choose from. (Eyes rolled) I’ll keep this clear case as an extra instead.😉

I am a coffee lover hence I chose this case, girly and chick.

This is the one I am currently using because it has a built in stand if I wanted to watch videos without the need to hold it. It’s a combo of everything I like bears, jam, biscuits and music.

You can never be tool old to love the shade of a girly pink. I love the trees colored pink instead of a typical green.

No explaination needed why I got this. Waving to all bubble tea obsessed.

Apart from it’s pink, I mainly got this because of the bear designed hand strap. Easier to hold it when using especially when I’m lying down where I normally drop my phone to my face while watching videos. Ouch men!

Random six sheets of stickers for my journal. I’m starting to create my 2023 journal. Unlike my previous journals where I normally buy a ready made one from the shop. Next year would be different using a blank notebook and designing each to make a personalized space to write on. You may think I got loads of free time to do all of this. To be honest, I got a pretty loaded work schedule but I never let my work take the life out of me. I will do what I enjoy in this lifetime. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. Do what makes you happy, silence the noises stopping you to choose happiness.

A tidy doyle decoration for my hutch and cute paper clips.

Who’s into warm pair of socks this winter. I do want a good snuggle for my feet. I’ve used this icecream design already during one of my night shift and it was so comfy to use. No regrets at all for adding to my list. Warning more colorful pairs coming!😂

I know another pink invasion choice. What can I do? These babies are too cute to pass.😂

The avocado green is just one of the cutest amongst my haul. I’m wearing the middle design today while blogging.

I hope you enjoyed my unstoppable obsession shared in this post. Hi to my baby boy supporting all the liking of his Momma.

Cold morning pretties.

My kids have made a couple orders from Shein and enjoyed their purchase. So many things to choose from!
I’ve never purchased anything from Shein, but my son recently showed me a pair of sunglasses that he wants me to buy for him. I am adding them to his Christmas list.
Shein is becoming popular. I have never bought anything from Shein. I may look into shopping for my new year new me wardrobe.
Thank you for the tip! I also need to buy a new case and I find the ones from Amazon really expensive. Will check out Shein and hoard too. LOL
I Super love the pink case you got. It’s so chic.
Loved the one you are currently using (super cute!) and the one with the pink trees the most… We have had a couple of orders from Shein for my and my teenager’s wardrobe