My Heartwarming Reasons To Be Thankful For My Husband

I spent half of my one day off last week sleeping. I was so exhausted with my workload. I am not complaining about it for I am still thankful that I have a decent job to help me generate income for my family.

For my last work commitment, I rendered 16 hours duty for one shift as required. I enjoyed my shift in performing my duties of course.

What’s with the terrific work schedule then that I need to talk about on this post? I’m certain others may have more toxic job than I do. Well, it’s not about my tiring experience which be sharing. It’s about my husband who patiently waited for me to finish my 16 crazy long hour shift.

I felt like I was the most beautiful wife in the world when he offered to pick me up after my job. His work ends at exactly 7 PM but he patiently waited for me until 11 PM. Not every man can afford to do such thoughtful gesture after their busy day in the office. He insisted to wait for he worries about my safety in going home alone.

This is one of the reasons why I felt so blessed for having him as my husband. His constant effort to show his affection and concern is commendable. I appreciate every act of love even the simplest effort already means a lot to me.

Ephesians 5:25-33: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, …”


I compiled my heartwarming reasons to be thankful for my spouse.

  1. I’m thankful for finding a man who truly loves me exactly as I am. So many changes happened to my body after giving birth. Most of the changes aren’t flattering at all but I never heard him complain about it. Though I am making an effort to remain healthy and to restore my pre-pregnant body figure but he never insisted or expected me to change to become like a beautiful goddess with all the perfect curves. His love ISN’T and has NEVER been conditional.
  2. I’m thankful for finding a man who isn’t ashamed to do the chores that a woman does. We do division of labor at home. He doesn’t have a strong looking muscles like Johnny Bravo but he can finish the household chores perfectly like I do.
  3. I’m thankful for finding a man who supports my passion and my hobbies. I am not a techy person and I got no idea on how to maintain a website at all for this blog. He troubleshoots and apply his programming skills every time I am having technical difficulties. Not only that, he helps me promote my blog by sharing it to his friends. He is my number 1 avid blog reader.
  4. I’m thankful for finding a man who can make me laugh when I’m feeling disappointed and gloomy. He injects humor to uplift my spirit. He doesn’t have that innate talent when it comes to humor like a comedian but his jokes (which are not funny most of the time) tickle my weak spot. I can’t stop laughing seeing him trying so hard to make me happy.
  5. I’m thankful for finding a man who can be the best father to our son. He strives so hard to provide our baby boy’s needs. No matter how busy he is because of his work demands, he will always find time to spend with our only boy.
  6. I’m thankful for finding a man who is proud to let the world know that I am his wife regardless on how do I look like. Whether I have make up or not, or even if I am just wearing my faded pajamas with messy hair, he won’t hesitate to hold my hands in public.


My life wouldn’t be complete anymore without him. He will be my better half for this lifetime. It was not an accident that I met him. It was God’s plan for our path to cross because both of us incomparably complement each other.

For us, married couple, everyday is a perfect opportunity to step back and reflect on the things which can make us more grateful with our spouses.










  1. You have a good man there!!!

    1. Thanks Katie.

  2. Sounds like you have a great husband! So important to remain thankful for the sweet gestures.

    1. Thanks Amber for reading and for your comment.

  3. That is amazing that you have such a wonderful husband! I know I love mines and appreciate him for many of the reasons you mentioned. Life is so much more amazing when you have a wonderful person to share it with!

    1. I totally agree with you Laila. Happy to hear you found someone destined to be with you too. Stay in love.

  4. What a sweet post about your awesome hubby! I wish my boyfriend would take some tips lol

    1. Thank you Meagan for dropping your comment.

  5. Awe, you two are sooo cute together! You paint such a great portrait of what your man Is like. I feel like I can see his love for you in his eyes in the photos you’ve taken. I also have a great man, I’m absolutely in love with my little family. ? best wishes for yours. Thanks for sharing this. It is indeed important to appreciate our significant others!

    1. Thank you Miss Jess for dropping by and sending your beautiful thoughts about my post. Have a nice Weekends ahead.

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