We had a discussion with my friends about the difference of being a parent to a baby girl versus having a baby boy. In my case, as a first time mom to my son, I can only share to them how sweet is the mother and son relationship and my journey of parenting a baby boy . I’m also a bit curious on how it would feel to have a little me. For sure having a baby girl will also be a wonderful experience. They are both beautiful gifts to us moms.
Having a son who is so sweet makes me rush to go home everyday. Heading home after work to see my toddler has always been my favorite part of my busy day. Who wouldn’t want to stop working when you have a jolly toddler waiting for you to come home, right working Mommas? My feet walk like I am joining a contest of the fastest employee who can get out of the building after the scheduled time off. More often than not, I consistently win the crown as the earliest to be out. Yey! (one of my hidden talents☺)
Apart from the eagerness to be home, I also have to double my time in traveling because of the distance of our house to my place of work. If you can just imagine an almost three hour travel every day in going to work. The traffic congestion makes my travel time longer than it should have been. (eyes rolled) Yes, it’s tiring but I got to work my beautiful behind for my family. I got this!
Anyway, with all the dust, sweat and the boredom in traveling, all of those unpleasant experiences are wiped off with just the sight of my little munchkin jumping up and down in our front door excitedly waiting for me to carry him. “Naa na Mommy!” (Mom’s here). I am a VIP in my child’s heart. It makes us moms feel special with their purest love. I just hope he will continue to be as sweet as he is now to me. I’m itching to go home while writing this blog at work.
Here’s how we are at home with my active toddler.
Being at home doesn’t mean a rest time if you have a baby boy. It rather means PLAYTIME. I can’t afford to keep my eyes away from him even for just a minute because one minute is already a crucial moment for an active toddler. Many things can happen in a short span of time. Running around, climbing to stairs, tables and chairs, asking you to be his human horse for him to ride on, or sometimes, I am his imaginary swing. I can be anything depending on his mood for the day. Isn’t that energy consuming? Experiencing muscle aches, getting bruises, these are pretty common for me every after playtime.
I neither get the chance to play the pretend playhouse with pretty dolls nor have the opportunity to play dress up princess games. Getting blessed to have a son helps me develop the boyish side of me. I am a tough mom in the making. I’ve learned to adapt to changes in my preferences when we do a quick trip to a mall with Akyn. I amazingly had now conditioned myself to proceed to the boy’s toy section when we do shopping together. Learned also how to match boy’s clothes in different occasions. It’s really a great whole new experience to be a mom of a baby boy opening doors for me to suit with my son’s needs and preferences.
Many would think having a baby boy is all about active plays but no, that’s not the highlight of having them. As I mentioned earlier, these adorable little gentlemen are made with extra sweetness to surprise you. I’ve seen few of my toddler’s magnetic charm to melt my heart.
Before going to sleep, my child will usually ask me to hold his hands until he will finally give in to his desire to sleep. “ Mommy hold hands please.” Who can say no to this request? When he wakes up, he smiles like beams of sunshine with his first greetings to me, “Good mowning (morning) Mommy, I love you.” My day is complete giving him unlimited hugs and kisses to start my morning.
Every time he makes a mistake, you can hear his humble voice saying, “Sowi (sorry) Mommy.” You are forgiven baby. Words can’t express how much thankful I am for having Akyn. ♥ I love you baby.
Whether we are mom to a little princess or to an active prince, I am certain motherhood provides genuine happiness which only moms can understand. An irreplaceable life fulfillment that nothing can compare. I am thankful to be a MOTHER, not everybody is blessed to be one.
Let’s continue to keep happy memories while our babies our young.