While walking with my Akyn in going to school earlier in the middle of the breezing cold winter of three degrees this morning, he asked me randomly,”Did God make this cold weather Mommie?” I said yes and he further asked,”Why?” I need to answer his question or else he won’t stop dropping the topic not until he will get the answer to it. “Because God wants us to experience what a cold weather feels like.” “If we only have a nice weather all the time then we won’t be able to appreciate how lovely the sun is without knowing how cold it is during a chilly winter, don’t you think?” Such a nice conversation to start with my six year old little man. We really try as much as possible to let him grow with the environment where we are closer to our religion. So he won’t forget that no matter how successful a man is, there will always be the Divine’s mercy behind him doing all the miracles.
Please say hi to my Akyn.

As I have shared in my previous post, Mon and I had recently joined our church choir last year with the help of Kuya Marcelo and Ate Susan. We are very much thankful for this opportunity to be part of the lovely group. Every singing experience is a learning day for all of us and it feels so great after having to sing His praises. We are both beginners when it comes to this field. However, the more we expose ourselves to learn how a UK choir does it, the better we get to familiarized their songs as their Catholic praising songs are quite different from ours back home. Akyn is also a constant participant going with us every practice and during the mass,too. Someday, he might want to join with us when he’s big enough to learn it.
My two handsome boys.

Just this Sunday without us expecting to experience it, Mon was assigned to perform a solo cantor in one of the songs. He declined to do it at first with the fact that it is indeed a nerve wracking thing to perform solo on a big congregation. Our Choirester is so much supportive convincing Mon that he can. I can feel Mon’s anxiousness since Thursday during the practice until the actual day on Sunday. Bless his pure heart willing to overcome his fear just to be of great servant to Him. Our house is full of music while he rehearsed to master the right notes in every part. Fast forward the day came for the Holy Mass. I continuously reminded him how proud I am.
You can visit Saint Charles Borromeo Youtube Channel mass recording to hear him sing the Kyrie Eleison @8:50 until 10:22 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e_aEPpxRPk)
That was one of the longest two minutes of his life. I saw him released a big smile after his part. It might felt like a big weight has been released from his chest with all the anxiety gone. We feel so honored to do this having the chance to serve God in a most beautiful way. Thank you Lord.

We had lunch together with the Regino family to enjoy the Sunday chill vibes after the Holy Mass in Morrisons located in Springfield Way. I love my Mac and Cheese but didn’t eat my greens. (LOL) Mon finished the veges for me.

My Akyn ordered his Chips paired with his Slushie drink.

While Mon got a full veggie meal, healthy and yummy.

Went home with a tummy full and a heart overwhelmed with joy.
