Happiest birthday to my beautiful sister. We got so many reasons to celebrate her birthday today. Another gift of life to enjoy the love of our family. We are so much thankful she was safe as she was approaching her natal day.
If you’ve read my previous post about one of our dearest friend who recently passed away, she was my sister’s closest co-teacher. They were always together wherever they go. It just so happened during the accident my sister has an appointment for her Masters Class. If not, she could have gone with the same vehicle where Ma’am Daisy was riding. God must have a mission for my sissy for sparing her to such an unfortunate event. Thank you Lord for keeping her safe.
When we celebrate birthdays, it’s a family tradition of either we cook our own food for the event or we’ll eat somewhere else. It’s how closely knitted we are. Enjoying happy moments together. This year we preferred to do it at home. Less expensive, away from the traffic congestion and much more relaxing to stay at home on a Sunday. Seldom our schedules will meet and thankfully again her special day fell on a non-working day for them except for me. Lol (I’m such a looser working on Sunday.)
Spaghetti for a longer Life (superstitious Belief of Lola) and Macaroni Salad for a sweeter Life (my own proclaimed belief ☺)
I yearly post my message for your birthday. This time, I want to keep it simple and short. I love you sisteret. Please know I’ll always be here through thick and thin. Willing to support you in every endeavor you’ll take. May God bless your good heart with more gifts from Heaven. Enjoy your special day.♥
Thank you Ate for always reminding me about being thankful for another gift of life. I am more determined to face whatever life throws at me. Love you
You’re welcome. Love you too xoxo