The colder it gets during my off, the lazier I become. 🤣Can you relate to this sentiment working class pretty Mommas? I had to push myself this morning to get out of bed because it’s my schedule to go with Akyn to school. It’s a typical life of an overseas worker. We got to do things on our own be it household chores, childcare whilst being part of the working adults. I am not complaining at all! I love it to be honest. It keeps me active and gives me something to look forward to but then times get tough when winter is coming because I have to overcome my love to stay in my cosiest bed all day, warming myself up with the thickest duvet.(LOL)🤣
Woke up this morning greeted by a rainy sky and a very cold wind. Although, it was only 8 degrees but felt so freezing with our morning walk to school with Akyn. It’s less than a five minute walk from our house to Akyn’s school which made it convenient to our journey in getting there especially during the colder seasons. It’s one of the best decision we did in transferring Akyn to the school nearest to us plus the Ofsted rating is great, too.
Started this blog just now which gives me only an hour to finish before it’s time again to pick up my little man. Let’s get started then, shall we?
Graced the start of the month with a family lunch buffet in the Real China Restaurant. Don’t you think this family eats a lot. I don’t mind spending my money to food because I love food (it’s fairly evident with my weight gained)
Sorry Monoy, I blurred your photo unintentionally. I must be starving focusing to the food only when I took this shot.😍
Unli seafood,too. Who can beat that?
After the sumptuous meal, headed home and decided to use my gained energy to finish one of my pending DIY project. Thrifted this silver plate long ago but I couldn’t decide how to decorate it until I saw one of fave thrift flipper ideas of adding vinyl stickers on it after painting.
Used my left over paint of matt white then sealed it with a wax before I transferred the vinyl chicken sticker on it. I tried to decorate it to my kitchen hutch first. It looked so crowded as you can see on top of it that I already got a green chicken plate. So, I moved this new cutie to our living room, instead.
Absolutely gorgeous! From trash to treasure finds of Michelle again. Cottage core vibe is what my house theme is.
Then, during the night we started to take out our Christmas tree. We waited until the Halloween season is finished before we let our tree out. That’s a long wait for me who loves Christmas! Just after the 31st of October, my long wait to feel a Christmassy house begun.
Here are my boys, my big helpers in decorating. It’s the fourth year of our UK Christmas tree and all the ornaments. We used to have an all white and silver decorations on our first year then we added red motif on the second year. I wonder what other colors will I add again in the coming years.😂
Here it is! Our standing tall and pretty sparkly tree.
It’s more gorgeous with the lights off in the living room. I usually only use the Christmas tree lights when we are watching Netflix at night. Very cozy vibe, indeed. Who wants to get out of the house when your hideout is as pretty and comfy like this.
I might be continuously adding few bits and bobs as days come nearer to Christmas. You know my weakness to shopping. Never a dull moment when it comes to shopping for decors.
Happy decorating pretty Mommas.🥰