Sharps Wardrobe and ILR Granted

I am feeling a bit better today after being sick for this week. So thankful to my family for looking after me whilst I spent most of the days in bed recovering and to my employer for giving me sometime off from work to rest. I wouldn't be fit to take care of my patient during those days to be honest. If there's something I am dreading a lot during my pregnancy, that would be being ill because I would be worrying a lot not just for myself but for my baby inside my womb, too. The struggle is real... Read More

God’s Answered Prayer-Second Baby Coming

It took me a while to update another blog to my website because I felt so exhausted 😩 last few weeks ago. Reading from the title of my blog, you’ll be able to tell what good news I am about to share to you pretty Mommas.Yes, I am carrying our second baby in the family. 🫶🏼 We’ve been trying for so long to have another child and we’ve actually reached the point when we already accepted that God might have only destined me to have one baby in my lifetime. But then, without us expecting, the most awaited happy blessing... Read More

Cozy Mood

I am listening to the sounds of a smooth instrumental Jazz in Youtube with fireplace effects whilst creating this blog. It adds to the cozy vibe of the nippy weather today. It's spring but still feels like the end bit of winter here in the northern part of England. We started to get more sunny weather a month ago that gave me an opportunity to paint our garden fence but now it is becoming cold again. I can't wait for summer. It's when everyone will complain about how warm it is.I love the warmer season🤣It's hard to please the humans of... Read More

DIY Champs At Home-Spring Edition

I kept on staring in our backyard to check how's our newly painted garden fence would look like. It absolutely looked so stunning! I am a happy Momma here. Although our finish output still needs more coat to follow but the current state now pretty looks amazing. I am just waiting for a warmer weather to continue painting. It's spring but UK's weather here in the northern part still feels chilly for me. I need Mr SUNSHINE so badly.🤣 We started our garden makeover last Sunday because our Akyn kept on insisting we should start painting this month. Alright then!... Read More

Tried 42nd East Bakehouse Hull

Two weeks of having Akyn at home during their school break allows us to spend so many bondings together. He's currently at his very clingy stage.Wherever I go in the house,he's there also doing something just to be near me.(LOL) This Momma is enjoying every bit of his clinginess! We haven't booked any travel plans for his short vacation just because we got to prioritize our finances.The fact that we've just paid our processing fee for my visa renewal last month that would mean we are still recovering financially. Got to pay those important bills first Momma! Welcome to the... Read More

Piano Solo Invite-Celebration Concert Cottingham

I still can't believe my little man got invited to perform his solo piano performance last Saturday,16th of March in Cottingham. Akyn was so excited and looking forward for the special day to come. Who would have thought we will be able to experience to be part of the beautiful musical event like this in the UK. It was our first time seeing young people performing using musical instruments like the harp, violin and the angelic voices of the children,too gave me goose bumps. It wasn't just an ordinary performance because the participants in the event were mostly winners from... Read More

First Manga Book Owned

Good morning pretties. It's such a gloomy day today here.⛈️. After I dropped Akyn to school, I was walking alone entertaining my inner thoughts. It was already starting to rain a bit and the sky turned darker than it was minutes ago. Although the weather wasn't perfect as I was hoping it to be on my rest day, miraculously my mood wasn't affected. I felt so gracious for everything happening in my life whilst my stay here as an immigrant. The film we watched last night made me more thankful of what I am now.❤️ We watched a movie in... Read More

Valentine’s Day and Ice Skating

I've seen a loty of funny memes online when Valentine's day was coming like someone posted,"Those cringe love messages with big boquet of flowers,chocolates, pressies will be flooding in my social media account again!" I want to get real and would agree that social media posts can sometimes be to cringey especially those new young lovers openly overshares their sweetness online.😂 I think most of us had experienced those stage and once we're over it, we now realised that it was too cringey.(LOL) Been there! Done that! 😂😂😂 Regardless if others would consider posting love presents received as annoying, I... Read More

Trying New DIY at Home

Cold morning pretty Mommas.❤️ Second day off for the week allocating to update my blog page. I haven't done so much travel or shopping lately as you can probably see in my recent blog posts apart from the last Ikea trip we had because I'm saving money to process my UK residency. I can't believe it would this expensive just to be continually staying legally in this country. It's way too much to be honest for us immigrants to be charged with the current visa processing. We do pay taxes religiously,never had the right to avail public funds at all,... Read More

First Place Solo Piano Competition 2024

Perfect bed weather to those staying at home on a Monday morning like me.(LOL) Always flexing my rest days at the start of the week while most of the working class are starting their busy week, am I not?🤣Hope everyone's fine doing each of our own task for today.😘 We did a Sunday reset yesterday as a family. I never thought my boy would be so delighted to help me clean the house with us. He amazingly enjoys asking for a task on what to clean in the house to join the cleaning sesh. I was left with few things... Read More

Rock Up

Cold morning pretty Mommas. Winter it is, the time where most of us choose to be cozy and warm at home. For me, this cold season encourages me to finish a blog post rather than going out to shop alone during my time off. With Mon at work and Akyn in school today would mean I own the house this morning, free to do what I want on my rest day. Coffee + Wordpress + Britney’s music= Look at that! Using two screens just to finish one post!(LOL) This is Mon's workplace when he is scheduled to work from home... Read More

No We Don’t

Went to grocery shopping with Akyn and suddenly he questioned me on how much money I have left in my purse. I lied and said I only got one pound that I needed to budget until payday and asked him why he asked. "I wanted to buy a Kinder Egg but I don't want it now because I don't want to waste your money." "I will just wait for the next payday when you have enough money Mommie!" I bought him the chocolate before we left and told him I forgot that I still have some spare change to afford... Read More

Welcoming My Mid-Thirties Life

I was kind of looking forward to celebrate my birthday few weeks ago because I will have my shopping time in my chosen shopping area without worrying of using my own card to pay for it. Mon is going to pay for me as a treat. (LOL) Is it always about treating myself thoughts? 😂😂Nooooooo! I'm excited to welcome another year in my human existence to explore what more the earth can offer or what more I can give to the world. I don't have any special skills to be boastful about but maybe, just maybe, there might be something... Read More

Start of my Christmas Decoration

The colder it gets during my off, the lazier I become. 🤣Can you relate to this sentiment working class pretty Mommas? I had to push myself this morning to get out of bed because it's my schedule to go with Akyn to school. It's a typical life of an overseas worker. We got to do things on our own be it household chores, childcare whilst being part of the working adults. I am not complaining at all! I love it to be honest. It keeps me active and gives me something to look forward to but then times get tough... Read More

Dunkin in Hull

Few weeks ago after I had my night shift, we decided to treat ourselves with sweetness. Dunkin is a brand of doughnut I grew up with. Knowing they had a branch here in Kingswood, Hull made me so happy and extremely excited to try. Sleepless night won't stop me from enjoying my rest day. So, come on and head to the nearest Dunkin branch. Because it is fall season, it is the time for Pumpkin Spice Latte. It's my first time trying the drink and I like it. Some of my friends doesn't like the taste that much. You'll either... Read More

Pilipinas Vacation 2023 Part 3

The third part of my recent August vacation trip back home is probably the blog that makes me miss them more because the date of our trip to the UK on these photos was coming near. The feeling of you not wanting to go back to reality but you got to because that's our new life now is absolutely daunting. Every OFW must have experienced this kind of longing, wishing to lengthen the days of staying with our families before finally facing another couple of years before seeing them again.😪Well, that's life. It's hard and complicated which gives us more... Read More