Day 2 Cornwall-Tintagel Castle

Another week it took to post the seccond part of our Cornwall adventure.(LOL) That's the reality of the busy life of a pregnant working Momma. I am already looking forward to the days when I am going to be off from work. If working as a nurse is already an exhausting job, it is much more harder when you are working whilst pregnant. We are always on our feet carrying a heavy belly with us.How challenging is that? Few more shifts pretty Mommas and I will be relaxing myself at home with feet up in our couch.😁 Anyway, let's get... Read More

Day 3 Scotland-Leith Shore

Our fridge magnet of all our trips are growing each year. It only goes to show how we love to spend traveling as a family. As they say, that soon we will forget all about the expenses we've spent during our travel because what we will remember will only be the beautiful memories of all our unforgetable experiences in our holiday getaways. I agree 100 percent! It's a gloomy morning here in Hull.😒On the brighter side, it's a favourable weather for me to stay indoors and finish my blog series about our Scotland holiday for me to start organizing our... Read More

Day 3 Scotland-Edinburgh Holyrood Palace

I have been blogging since 2017 and I have just noticed I'm so much into using photo narrative method to tell my story. The fact that I love to take photos every family trip makes it easier for me to create a story out of it. Although sometimes, I used my blog to express my sentiments without using any relevant photos at all but that only happens once in a blue moon.(LOL)🤣It only goes to show blogging serves as my therapy to lighten up my emotions when things seem to get too overwhelming for me pretty Mommas. What's your own... Read More

Mini Pool At Home

Happy sunny day everyone. It's seldom to have a very nice weather like this in the UK. Make the most of it while the sunshine last. Last Sunday, after my fourth shift coming from succeeding nights, my boys bought our second mini inflatable pool after they went to church. Our first pool was quite big. We decided to have a smaller size just enough for Akyn to save water consumption.😂Because I already took a shower upon arriving home after work that would mean only Akyn will have his pool time while Mami and Dadi does the grilling for our BBQ.... Read More

Sharps Wardrobe and ILR Granted

I am feeling a bit better today after being sick for this week. So thankful to my family for looking after me whilst I spent most of the days in bed recovering and to my employer for giving me sometime off from work to rest. I wouldn't be fit to take care of my patient during those days to be honest. If there's something I am dreading a lot during my pregnancy, that would be being ill because I would be worrying a lot not just for myself but for my baby inside my womb, too. The struggle is real... Read More

DIY Champs At Home-Spring Edition

I kept on staring in our backyard to check how's our newly painted garden fence would look like. It absolutely looked so stunning! I am a happy Momma here. Although our finish output still needs more coat to follow but the current state now pretty looks amazing. I am just waiting for a warmer weather to continue painting. It's spring but UK's weather here in the northern part still feels chilly for me. I need Mr SUNSHINE so badly.🤣 We started our garden makeover last Sunday because our Akyn kept on insisting we should start painting this month. Alright then!... Read More

Piano Solo Invite-Celebration Concert Cottingham

I still can't believe my little man got invited to perform his solo piano performance last Saturday,16th of March in Cottingham. Akyn was so excited and looking forward for the special day to come. Who would have thought we will be able to experience to be part of the beautiful musical event like this in the UK. It was our first time seeing young people performing using musical instruments like the harp, violin and the angelic voices of the children,too gave me goose bumps. It wasn't just an ordinary performance because the participants in the event were mostly winners from... Read More

First Manga Book Owned

Good morning pretties. It's such a gloomy day today here.⛈️. After I dropped Akyn to school, I was walking alone entertaining my inner thoughts. It was already starting to rain a bit and the sky turned darker than it was minutes ago. Although the weather wasn't perfect as I was hoping it to be on my rest day, miraculously my mood wasn't affected. I felt so gracious for everything happening in my life whilst my stay here as an immigrant. The film we watched last night made me more thankful of what I am now.❤️ We watched a movie in... Read More

Trying New DIY at Home

Cold morning pretty Mommas.❤️ Second day off for the week allocating to update my blog page. I haven't done so much travel or shopping lately as you can probably see in my recent blog posts apart from the last Ikea trip we had because I'm saving money to process my UK residency. I can't believe it would this expensive just to be continually staying legally in this country. It's way too much to be honest for us immigrants to be charged with the current visa processing. We do pay taxes religiously,never had the right to avail public funds at all,... Read More

Welcoming My Mid-Thirties Life

I was kind of looking forward to celebrate my birthday few weeks ago because I will have my shopping time in my chosen shopping area without worrying of using my own card to pay for it. Mon is going to pay for me as a treat. (LOL) Is it always about treating myself thoughts? 😂😂Nooooooo! I'm excited to welcome another year in my human existence to explore what more the earth can offer or what more I can give to the world. I don't have any special skills to be boastful about but maybe, just maybe, there might be something... Read More

Start of my Christmas Decoration

The colder it gets during my off, the lazier I become. 🤣Can you relate to this sentiment working class pretty Mommas? I had to push myself this morning to get out of bed because it's my schedule to go with Akyn to school. It's a typical life of an overseas worker. We got to do things on our own be it household chores, childcare whilst being part of the working adults. I am not complaining at all! I love it to be honest. It keeps me active and gives me something to look forward to but then times get tough... Read More

Dunkin in Hull

Few weeks ago after I had my night shift, we decided to treat ourselves with sweetness. Dunkin is a brand of doughnut I grew up with. Knowing they had a branch here in Kingswood, Hull made me so happy and extremely excited to try. Sleepless night won't stop me from enjoying my rest day. So, come on and head to the nearest Dunkin branch. Because it is fall season, it is the time for Pumpkin Spice Latte. It's my first time trying the drink and I like it. Some of my friends doesn't like the taste that much. You'll either... Read More

Pumpkin Picking 2023

Yearly pumpkin activity is always filled with fun. We as a family usually go on a trip with only the three of us but this pumpkin picking activity is one of the rare moments we go out with friends together. Are we that too obvious as an introvert? (LOL) My baby boy is growing just like his parents who also enjoys solitude. I asked my little boy if he wanted to buy a big pumpkin to carve for the coming Halloween and guess what he said! "I don't want to carve pumpkins for this year because food aren't supposed to... Read More

Mon’s Birthday and Everything Nice

It took me a while to write something new because I've been a so much of a worrier lately regarding some concerns about our owned properties at home that needs sorting out. It's a long overdue process that I should have dealt with before but I chose to procrastinate because I already contemplated the hassle both financially and most of all emotionally draining fighting to get what is ought to be MINE. I attended the Holy mass last Sunday to get more strength to overcome our family challenge at this moment, especially my Mama trying to display a brave face... Read More

Brand New Floors

Hey pretties. I'm here again blogging something exciting. It's my rest day. Thank God for the day off freedom from stress.🤣 I've done all my house chores so rather than waiting for next week for my usual blog posting schedule, why not do it now whilst I got a bit of free time to release all my thoughts into writing. The most exciting part of being an independent working adult(LOL) is the freedom to decide what to do with your living space. Yeah,this addicted Momma to making everything aesthetically pleasing is on the move again for another house renovation project.... Read More

Father’s Day 2023 New Car Baby

He's Father's day gift came four days earlier! I don't think Mon would mind the timing of getting his present if he's receiving what he's been wishing for. Toys for big boys quote is the classic example of this blessing. Thanks dear Lord for granting us another family grace.🧡 When we started our journey here as an immigrant, we already aimed in one of our long term goals for Mon to pass their required exams to drive. It's one of the struggles of an immigrant because it is a must to conform to their laws, pass their tests and do... Read More