I was in the other room when I heard Mon and Akyn talking like they were planning an attack to someone’s base. When I checked them on what made them so busy and noisy😒,they were actually playing an online game called Mobile Legends. A satisfying view seeing Mon finally got his little playmate for his online gaming obsession.
“Just follow my lead Akyn when I say you use your power then attack!“
“Daddy an enemy has been slain!”
I can’t relate to the enjoynment of what they were both up to. I tried playing once with Akyn but I always get killed. LOL😂
We do set limits for our boy’s screen time though to make sure he ain’t using gadgets too much. We are aware about the gap between Akyn’s generation and us. So, for us to relate to his own liking, we try to meet halfway. Computers, high technology will always be part of their generation now and we can’t do anything to deny that or stop the continuous evolution of technology. What we do instead is to embrace to the changes and grow with our son’s interest to it with reasonable limitations imposed. 😘
Mon and I always try our best to be both a good and cool parents to our parenting style with Akyn. There is no specific strategy on how to raise a kid. No school for parenting as they say.
I’m not a fan of those mother’s who act like the head teacher for raising a kid. There was one party I could remember when my Akyn asked for a fizzy drink as it has been quite a while since he tasted one. We seldom let him drink it because his tummy easily gets upset if he had too much sodas. Then these two show off mums right away said,“Oh, does he drink fizzy drink? My son never ever want a fizzy drink since he was young until now. The second show off mum also said, “My kid never drink fizzy drink at all. Fruit juice and something fresh fruity drink is what they would prefer.” Yadayadayada….. Bragging everything how healthy their choices of lifestyle to everyone putting my child in a bad light. LOL. 😂
You know what I did? I took a can of soda and let my child enjoy it in front of their faces. It’s like saying I ain’t listening to you. I don’t mind if mother’s brag their child’s accomplishment to others. What I don’t appreciate is when they try to do it while shaming other kids to make them look good. Same with adults. I will never be impressed to someone who is so full of themselves and has the habit of bringing people down because obviously due to their own insecurities from within.
There is no way someone can teach you how to train a perfect kid. So what works for our child may not be suitable to others and vice versa. Everything is a trial and error. Let’s be supportive to other struggling parents rather than ridicule their ways of raising their kids. Let’s not be like those two SHOW OFF MOMMAS because at then end of the day, we know our kids more than anyone else in the world.
That’s why for me, I only listen to other’s unsolicited advice but I don’t always follow them. I stick to what I believe is alright for my child. After all, I believe I made the right choices in parenting my six year old baby and how he turned out to be. It may be too early to say that but for now I am a grateful Momma loving each moment I have with my boy.
That’s my Akyn setting up ready for a game with his Daddy.

He asked me to take a photo of his Minion overall pjs bought by Mon.

My twinning little Minion.

Had our lunch with our fave Kurdistan take away. Yum! If I am too lazy to cook for a meal at home, we either order take away or head straight to a nearby restaurant because why not?🤣

The two with their selfie waiting for our order in Nando’s restaurant.

Mon got his Salad.

I got my 1/2 chicken and chilly rice. I gave my two garlic bread to Mon.

and Akyn had his child’s menu.

Let’s get the confidence together in learning more about parenting techniques pretty Mommas.
Nice morning everyone.