Right now while composing this blog, my favourite little human is with me giving me company for this quite afternoon. It is a school break again for them. How lucky these kids are to get as many break time from their regular hustle while us adult, life must go on everyday to survive. (LOL)🤣🤣🤣
I had at least a day off last week to splurge myself. Got no specific plans simply roaming around the town centre trying few nice pieces of clothes then snap to confirm if I’ll like the fit.😁 This Momma deserved it.

The best find I got last week was Britney’s original vinyl record. I can’t believe I finally got my hands on this gem. They still got few of her records but I may need to save up again to afford them all. Britney has been the staple top singer of my childhood. I used to cut all her photos from magazines neatly pasting them in one of my extra notebooks. Or I would go to the nearest internet café to print her photos for my DIY scrap booking projects. I’m still her fan up to this date. Nothing has changed to my liking to her kind of music.

Then I saw one of the little stalls in St. Stephen called Plant Asia by one of the Filipino NHS worker sharing her passion to plants. Bought one of her displays to support local small businesses. The plant holder is too cute to pass. Displayed her in our kitchen window to greet Mr. Sunshine every morning.

and of course, because it was a sunny bank holiday yesterday, I had to bring Akyn to enjoy the lovely weather. I came from my night duty, slept for few hours then had to resume again my role as an active Mum on the go. There is never such thing as a rest schedule for a working Momma. (LOL)😂 There is always something to do regardless if I am at home or outside.

Very much thankful for the lovely weather yesterday. We had such a great family time.

Cheers to this kind of life tranquillity. 😍